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  Oct 25, 2024
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Spring Addendum 
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2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Spring Addendum [Archived Catalog]

Student Rights and Responsibilities



Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)


A qualified disabled student or applicant who requires an accommodation should complete the application for an accommodation, which is downloadable from the Saybrook University web site. This application, complete with a clinical record with information supporting the fact that the student has a disability, the functional limitations of such disability, and a set of accommodations suggested by the physician and those requested by the student, should be sent to the ADA Coordinator, or designee. Such accommodations should be requested in a timely fashion, that is, well before the accommodation is needed (preferably before the start of the term). If the accommodation is reasonable, effective and will not alter a fundamental aspect of the educational program or otherwise impose an undue hardship on the institution, and/or there are no equivalent alternatives, the school will offer to make an accommodation. If appropriate, the ADA Coordinator will consult with such individuals, within or outside the school, to provide him or her with expertise needed to evaluate the request. Students are required to provide all available and reasonably necessary documentation that is requested. Accommodation requests and the documentation related thereto will be maintained in a separate file controlled by the ADA Coordinator. Accommodations cannot be granted retroactively.

For purposes of reasonable accommodation, a qualified student with a disability is a student who meets the academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in Saybrook's educational programs or activities.

Workplace Security and Anti-Violence Policy

Saybrook is committed to providing a workplace that is free from acts of violence or threats of violence. In keeping with this commitment, the school has established a policy that provides “zero tolerance” for actual or threatened violence on our premises or in the course of school business. Security and safety in the workplace are every employee’s responsibility. It is therefore essential that every employee understand the importance of workplace safety and security. Every threat of violence is serious and must be treated as such. Threatening behavior can include such actions as throwing objects, making a verbal threat to harm another individual or destroy property, displaying an intense or obsessive romantic interest that exceeds the normal bounds of interpersonal interest, or attempting to intimidate or harass other individuals. Employees who become aware of any threats of workplace violence must report the threat immediately to their supervisor, who, in turn, will be responsible for notifying a Vice President or other officer of the school. Compliance with this anti-violence policy is a condition of employment and will be evaluated, together with other aspects of an employee’s performance. Due to the importance of this policy, employees who violate any of its terms, who engage in or contribute to violent behavior, or who threaten others with violence may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and possibly including immediate termination.

If an individual becomes aware of any actual violence, imminent violence, or threat of imminent violence, obtaining emergency assistance must be a matter of first priority. The individual should immediately contact Saybrook Human Resources, and, if appropriate, should contact the Pasadena Police Department or other local law enforcement authorities by dialing 911. (Individuals may report any incidents of violence or threats of violence without fear of reprisal.)

Campus Crime Reporting (Clery Act) In accordance with the Federal Student Right-To- Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, Public Law 101-542 amended into the Jeanne Clery Act of 1998, Saybrook University disseminates its annual security report, including campus crime statistics, each year on or before October 1. The Annual Security Report is published on the Campus Safety & Sexual Misconduct page of the Saybrook website HERE.

Alcohol and Drug-Free Guidelines

In compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986, as amended in 1989, Saybrook University has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by its students and employees on Saybrook premises or as part of any of its activities. Saybrook University promotes a safe, healthy, and productive educational and work environment for all individuals in our community.  We comply with federal, state, and local laws governing the possession, use and distribution of unlawful drugs at the work place.  Saybrook prohibits the sale, possession, distribution or use of illicit drugs on Saybrook premises or at its functions.  In addition to compliance requirements of the Drug-Free Schools and Committees Act (as amended in 1989), Saybrook subscribes to a long and distinguished tradition of humanistic values. As such, Saybrook seeks to develop the ability of our students to apply to their own personal and social lives the principles and values contained in Saybrook’s mission statement.

General State Laws of Alcohol Possession and Consumption 

Individuals younger than 21 years old may not purchase, accept as a gift, or possess alcoholic beverages on any street or highway or other public place.  Consumption by minors is expressly prohibited.  Licensees to sell alcoholic beverages are prohibited from selling, giving, or delivering alcoholic beverages to anyone under 21 years of age.  It is unlawful for anyone of legal age to purchase or obtain alcoholic beverages and then sell, give, or deliver them to a minor.

Health Risks Associated with Use of Illicit Drugs, the Misuse of Legal Drugs, and Alcohol Abuse

There are health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and abuse of legal drugs and alcohol including impaired functioning of the following major organs: liver, kidneys, brain, and other aspects of the central nervous system including impaired immune functioning and impaired lung and pulmonary functioning. The effects are both immediate and long-term. Immediate effects include impaired judgment, impaired attention span, and impaired gross and fine motor control. Long-term effects include the risk of premature death. The use of needles to inject drugs into the blood stream engenders the risk of contracting HIV or hepatitis. These health risks may affect one’s daily life activities, as well as familial, social, and working relationships.

Drug and alcohol abuse causes physical and emotional dependence, in which users may develop a craving for a particular substance. Thus, their bodies may respond to the presence of such substances in ways that lead to increased drug and alcohol use.

Certain drugs, such as opiates, barbiturates, alcohol and nicotine create physical dependence. With prolonged use, these drugs become part of the body chemistry. When a regular user stops taking the drug, the body experiences the physiological trauma known as withdrawal.

Psychological dependence occurs when taking drugs becomes the center of the user’s life. Drugs have an effect on the mind and body for weeks or even months after drug use has stopped. Drugs and alcohol can interfere with memory, sensation, and perception. They distort experiences and cause loss of self-control that can lead users to harm others as well as themselves.


The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs oversees student compliance with the Drug-Free guidelines. The Office of the President oversees employee compliance with the Drug-Free Policies and Procedures. For additional information, please consult the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or the Office of the President.

Sanctions - Code of Conduct

Saybrook will impose discipline on faculty, students and staff members who violate this policy. Students who violate the provisions of the drug-free campus policy may be subject to any of the following sanctions in accordance with the Code of Conduct and its procedures:

  1. Verbal or written warning that future misconduct may result in further or more severe disciplinary action.
  2. Disciplinary Probation: the student may remain at Saybrook on the condition of demonstrated behavior that is acceptable to Saybrook within a specified period.
  3. Educational: a student is required to complete an educational activity, such as attending a workshop, completing an online training module, writing a reflection paper, completing courses elsewhere, etc.
  4. Permanent No-Contact Directive: in certain situations, the Review Panel may impose a permanent no-contact directive for the duration of a responding party’s enrollment at Saybrook.
  5. Suspension: loss of student status for a specified time with resultant loss of all student rights and privileges including all Saybrook events and activities. A suspended student will lose credit for courses carried that semester and fees and tuition will be forfeited according to the standard withdrawal policy. The disciplinary action will be recorded on the transcript and a hold will be placed on the student’s record preventing registration for an upcoming term. Upon notice of suspension, all Saybrook log in credentials (including yet not limited to Saybrook student email, Canvas, Student Gateway, library services, Zoom) will be disabled immediately.  A student may be dismissed during such a suspension if the conditions of the suspension are violated.
  6. Dismissal: permanent termination of student status. Notification of dismissal will appear on the transcript and the student will be barred from all Saybrook properties, including, but not limited to the Residential Conference site(s).

Legal Sanctions Under Federal and State Law

Violating California state statutes may also subject the individual to criminal prosecution.

Federal penalties and sanctions for illegal possession of a controlled substance are as follows:

  • First conviction: up to one-year imprisonment or a fine of at least $1,000
  • After one prior drug conviction: at least 15 days in prison, not to exceed two years, and a fine of at least $2,500 but not more than $250,000, or both
  • After two or more prior drug convictions: at least 90 days in prison, not to exceed three years, and a fine of at least $5,000
  • Special sentencing provisions for possession of crack cocaine: mandatory sentencing of at least five years in prison, not to exceed 20 years, and a fine of up to $250,000, or both, if the first conviction and amount of crack possessed exceeds five grams, the second crack conviction and the amount of crack possessed exceeds three grams, third or subsequent crack conviction and the amount of crack possessed exceeds one gram
  • Forfeiture of personal property used to possess or to facilitate possession of a controlled substance, if that offense is punishable by more than a one-year imprisonment
  • Forfeiture of vehicles, boats, aircraft, and any other conveyance used to transport or conceal a controlled substance
  • Civil penalty of up to $10,000
  • Denial of federal benefits, such as student loans, grants, contracts, and professional and commercial licenses, for up to one year for first offense or up to five years for second and subsequent offenses
  • Ineligibility to receive or purchase a firearm.
  • Revocation of certain federal licenses and benefits, (for example, pilot licenses, public housing tenancy, and so on.) as vested within the authorities of individual federal agencies
  • Any person convicted of drug trafficking occurring within 1,000 feet of an academic institution is subject to prison terms and fines twice as high as listed above with a mandatory prison sentence of one year for each offense

This list has been included for reference purposes only.  The most current information can be found on the website of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

Counseling, Treatment, or Rehabilitation Programs

Any student who fails to abide by the terms of the Alcohol and Drug-Free provisions may be required to participate satisfactorily in drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency. Specific programs of counseling or rehabilitation are available within the Pasadena, California area.

Substance Abuse Resources

Student Solutions: Student Solutions is a free, confidential, around-the-clock counseling service available to all Saybrook students. Available resources include: confidential counseling, substance abuse counseling, financial guidance and legal support and resources.
Web identifier: SAYBROOK

Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Saybrook employees also receive counseling services through the EAP, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

800.272.7255 Your company web ID: COM589


This policy is distributed annually to all students and employees pursuant to Public Law 101‐226 (The Drug‐Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989). Saybrook will regularly review the
terms of this policy to:

  1. Determine its effectiveness;
  2. Implement changes, as needed, and
  3. Ensure that sanctions are consistently reinforced.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment (20 USC S. 1232g), affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. For purposes of compliance with FERPA, Saybrook University considers all students independent. Questions about FERPA and student records may be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

Right to Inspect and Review

A student has the right to inspect and review the education record within forty-five (45) business days after the school receives a written request for access. A written request identifying the record to be inspected should be submitted by the student to the Office of the Registrar. The Campus Registrar or designee will make arrangements for access and notify the student of next steps for inspecting the record. If the Office of the Registrar does not retain the record requested, the student will be advised of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.  Education records are defined as records related to a student which contain personally identifiable information.  Education records do not include: personnel files, files maintained by law enforcement, and records protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),  Academic records may include transcripts, Add/Drop forms, Status Change Requests, etc.

Right to Request Amendments

A student has the right to request an amendment of an education record if the student believes the record is inaccurate or misleading. To request an amendment, the student must submit a formal letter to the Office of the Registrar, clearly identifying the part of the record to be changed, and specifying why the record is inaccurate or misleading. The office of the Registrar will review the request and facilitate a response to the student within 5 business days of the date written request is received.

Right to Request a Hearing

The University has the right to decide whether to amend a student’s education record as requested by the student. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the school will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. To request a hearing, the student completes and submits a Request to Amend Educational Record form to the Office of the Registrar. The Registrar will refer the request to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, who will act as the hearing officer regarding all challenges to the accuracy of educational record and the denial of requested changes. The formal hearing will be conducted according to the following procedures:

  • The student will be permitted to present information and materials in support of the assertion that the record is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise erroneous.
  • A representative of Saybrook University will be permitted to present information and materials that support the school’s position.
  • Each party will be present during the hearing and may challenge information and materials of the other party.

The hearing officer will render a decision on the matter generally within five (5) business days after the conclusion of the hearing. FERPA does not provide a process to be used to question substantive judgments, which are correctly recorded. For example, the rights of challenge do not allow a student to contest a grade in a course because the student believes a higher grade should have been assigned.

Right to Consent to Disclosures

A student has the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the education record, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position; a person or company with whom the school has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, collection agent, or official of the U.S. Department of Education or other federal agency); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee or assisting another school official in performing tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill professional responsibility.

Saybrook University may disclose education records in certain other circumstances:

  • to comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena
  • to appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency
  • to officials of another school, upon request, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll
  • in connection with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid, as necessary to determine the eligibility, amount, or conditions of the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid
  • to certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the Comptroller General, to state and local educational authorities in connection with certain state or federally supported education programs
  • to accrediting organizations to carry out their functions
  • to organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of Saybrook
  • the results of an institutional disciplinary proceeding against the alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence may be released to the alleged victim of that crime with respect to that crime

Additionally, Saybrook University must, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of any crime of violence or sexual misconduct, the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the school against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the information shall be provided, upon written request, to the next of kin of the alleged victim.

Right to File a Complaint

A student has the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Saybrook University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC, 20202-5920

Right to Restrict Directory Information

A student has the right to restrict the release of “directory information” except to school officials with legitimate educational interests and others as indicated above. To restrict the release of directory information, a student must make the request in writing to the Office of the Registrar. Once filed, this request becomes a permanent part of the student’s record until the student instructs Saybrook University, in writing, to remove the request.

Saybrook University designates the following as public or “directory information”:

  • Student name
  • Mailing address(es)
  • Email address(es)
  • Telephone number(s)
  • Major Field of study
  • Degree sought
  • Expected date of completion of degree requirements and graduation
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Dates of attendance
  • Full- or part-time enrollment status
  • Previous educational agency or institution attended
  • Participation in officially recognized activities
  • Photograph(s)
  • Title of dissertation, thesis, project or capstone essay, including name of Chair/Advisor/Instructor

Grievances, Complaints, and Misconduct: Policies and Procedures

Student Grievance Resolution Procedure

Informal Problem-Solving Procedures

Saybrook University is committed to providing students with an educational experience of academic excellence and professional services. This is provided with the goal of maintaining a collaborative community based on mutual respect. As with all communities and relationships, problems and conflicts can and do arise. When students encounter problems or conflicts with faculty, or with the implementation of Saybrook policies, procedures or requirements, the following guidelines promote collaborative steps to address these issues.  This procedure shall not be used to resolve conflicts between students.   In all attempts to address student problems or conflicts, all participants are expected to: 

  • Bring both good intentions and collaborative principles to the process, acknowledging that reasonable people can differ reasonably 
  • Contribute to mutually respectful communications that can include divergent views without blame or hostility 
  • Maintain an awareness of one’s own roles and responsibilities related to the issue and/or process and respect for the roles and responsibilities of others involved 
  • Intend to achieve the earliest possible resolution of the problem or conflict and avoidance of the need to move the process to a higher level of institutional assistance or review 
  • ​Work toward a resolution that considers the concerns, views, rights, and responsibilities of all parties and is consistent with Saybrook’s stated requirements, policies, and procedures 

The first step in addressing most problems or conflicts is to discuss the issue collaboratively with the individual directly involved. If this step does not successfully resolve the issue or conflict, or if the nature of the issue precludes this step, the supervisor for the program, department or college will be contacted for assistance. In addressing problems with faculty not resolved in dialogue with the faculty member, the Department Chair or Dean of the College will assist the student in determining additional appropriate steps. Resolution steps may include reviewing records and consulting with relevant departments and/or offices on matters of policy and/or providing mediation assistance. If there is a problem, conflict, or difficulty resolving the problem at the level of supervisor for the program, area, school, or program, the student may contact the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs. The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs assists students in evaluating problems or conflicts that have not been resolved, clarifying related policies and procedures, and assessing the need for further steps in problem solving and/or collaborative conflict resolution. 

Student Grievances Procedure

Any student who feels that he or she has been subjected to an improper decision on an academic or an administrative matter is entitled to file a grievance. A grievance is defined as a written complaint concerning a decision made by a person or group of persons acting in an official School capacity that directly and adversely affects the student. A grievance does not properly challenge dissatisfaction with a school policy of general application on the grounds that the policy is unfair or inadvisable, nor should a grievance challenge individual department or program academic policies, as long as those policies are not in contravention of general school policies. Grievances that assert violations of the Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and Title IX Policy, as set forth in this catalog, shall follow the school’s procedures for such complaints as outlined in this catalog and will be monitored by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs. Please contact the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs if you have any questions about which process should be used. 

To commence formal grievance procedures, a student must submit a Student Grievance Intake Form to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs within 30 days of the conclusion of the informal problem-solving effort if one occurred. The Student Grievance Intake Form is available on the Saybrook Community Site.  The Student Grievance Intake Form must include the following: 

  • The student’s name, email address, phone number, degree and department, and matriculation history; 
  • The date the grievance is submitted; 
  • The decisions by Saybrook and the events that give rise to the grievance; 
  • The policies of Saybrook and/or any laws that have been violated and in what manner there has been material damage or adverse impact to the student; 
  • The resolution or remedy that is requested; 
  • The names of the decision-makers and other persons with knowledge of the matters at issue; and 
  • ​What the student has done to attempt to resolve the complaint. 

Student Grievance Review Committee

Upon receipt of the grievance, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her Designee will review the documentation. The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs shall consult with the student who has filed the grievance and the officer, agent or representative of Saybrook whose decision or actions are at issue, in an effort to identify if it is possible to resolve the grievance without a hearing.  

If the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs believes that the matter at issue is properly deemed to be a grievance as defined by this policy, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs will convene a Grievance Review Committee, comprised of the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs serving as the Chair and two other members.  The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs will notify the complainant and the Grievance Review Committee of the date of the hearing, the information that will be presented to the Committee, the members of the Committee and a summary of the procedures for hearing the grievance. If the grievance is against the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, the student may submit directly to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President of Academic Affairs will convene the Grievance Review Committee.  

The Grievance Review Committee will be convened and provide a resolution within 30 days of the filing of the grievance. The hearing of the grievance shall include gathering information submitted by the complainant and by any officer, agent or representative of Saybrook who decision or actions are at issue, or other information as requested by the Chair.  A record of the hearing shall be kept by the Chair, including copies of exhibits, notes on the information provided by witnesses and parties, and the hearing may be recorded. The complainant will be present when the Grievance Review Committee meets and may bring another member of the Saybrook community to the hearing as a support person.  The hearing shall be closed to any person who is not a party to the grievance, a person called by the Chair to provide information or the complainant’s support person.  The Chair shall regulate the presence of persons and the calling of persons to provide information. Questioning of witnesses shall proceed informally except that any party to the grievance may request the Chair to allow cross-questioning on important matters that do not intrude into personal privacy. Attorneys are not permitted at the hearings; however, a grieving student may otherwise choose to seek the advice of an attorney before or after the hearing. 

The Chair shall thereafter convene the Grievance Review Committee for confidential assessment of the matter, and upon conclusion of the assessment meeting the Grievance Review Committee shall issue a determination report which must be approved by majority vote of the Grievance Review Committee. 

Appealing Grievance Committee Resolution

If a student feels that the outcome of the grievance process reflects incomplete or unfair use of the information or is inconsistent with relevant Saybrook requirements and/or policy, the student may request a review of the process and/or outcome by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. If a student decides to file an appeal, it must be filed with the Vice President of Academic Affairs within ten (10) business days of the determination by the Grievance Review Committee and it must state the grounds for appeal including a list of alleged errors in the decision or decision-making process.  It must include the requested remedy, the date of submission, and signature of the student. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will review all information and make one of the following determinations: 

  1. Determine a different decision/outcome based on considerations of completeness, fairness and/or consistency 


  1. Determine that the Grievance Review Committee outcome stands. 

The Vice President of Academic Affairs will, within ten (10) business days, issue a final and binding decision. 

External Complaint

A student is expected to follow the internal grievance procedures above, before filing a complaint with an external agency. A student who utilized the internal procedure and who is not satisfied with the outcome may wish to raise the issue with the relevant state licensing agency under which the institution operates.

To file an external complaint, the student is advised to find the state of residence at

If the state of residence is not listed, the state in which the home campus is located should be selected.

An unresolved grievance may also be directed to the Western Association of Colleges and Schools, Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). WSCUC requires that a complainant attempt to resolve the underlying grievance with the institution prior to filing a complaint. The Commission’s complaint procedures are for the purpose of addressing significant non-compliance with the Standards of Accreditation and Commission policies. Thus, WSCUC will not interpose itself as an adjudicatory or grievance-resolving body in individual matters including admission, granting or transfer of academic credit, grades, fees, student financial aid, student discipline, or collective bargaining, faculty or staff appointments, promotion, tenure, contractual rights and obligations, and dismissals or similar matters.

The Commission’s staff will investigate a complaint in order to determine whether it appears that a Commission Standard or Policy was violated and, if such is the case, it will take appropriate action within the range of options that are available to it under Commission Standards and Policies. The complaint form and process can be found under “Directory” at Inquiries may be directed to: Western Association of Colleges and Schools, Senior College and University Commission, 985 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 100, Alameda, CA 94501, Phone: (510) 748-9001.

Wisconsin students may contact the Educational Approval Program if the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved via the school’s internal complaint procedures.  The EAP’s contact information, including email address, phone number, and mailing address are as follows: 

State of Wisconsin / Department of Safety and Professional Services 
Educational Approval Program 
P.O. Box 8366 
Madison, WI 53708 

For students residing in the state of Washington, the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) has authority to investigate student complaints against specific schools. WSAC may not be able to investigate every student complaint. Visit for information regarding the WSAC complaint process.

Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Title IX Policy

*The text below is a summary of Saybrook University’s Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and Title IX Policy (“Policy”).  For the full Policy, please visit or click HERE.   For additional resources, please visit the Student Gateway.


Saybrook University acknowledges its ethical and statutory responsibility to afford equal treatment and equal opportunity to all persons and thus complies with all applicable laws and directives regarding nondiscrimination and equality of opportunity.  As required by Title VI, Title IX, Section 504 and all other applicable federal and state laws, Saybrook does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination and harassment against its employees, students, and applicants based on race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information,  religion, creed, age (40 years or older), national origin or ancestry, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, marital or parental status, pregnancy, military or veteran status, political activities/affiliations or any other impermissible reason in its programs and activities (“Protected Category” or “Protected Categories”).

Saybrook is committed to creating and maintaining a safe learning and working environment that is free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation.  The Policy prohibits discrimination, harassment, and Sexual Misconduct, which includes Sexual Harassment, and all other forms of discrimination and harassment based on membership in any Protected Category.  The Policy also prohibits retaliation against anyone who exercises their rights under the Policy.

The Policy applies to all employees, students, and other Saybrook Community Members. Saybrook has jurisdiction to investigate conduct occurring on Saybrook’s campuses, in connection with its educational programs, activities, and services, or that puts Saybrook Community Members at risk of serious harm or otherwise creates a hostile learning and/or working environment.


Discrimination is adverse action taken against or harassment of an individual based on membership in any Protected Category. 


Harassment refers to unwelcome behavior based on membership in any Protected Category. Harassment becomes impermissible where 1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition for any academic-related purpose, or 2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create an academic environment that a reasonable prudent person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.

Sexual Harassment, as an umbrella category includes the offenses of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, and is defined as:

Conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following: quid pro quo, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking as defined in the full Policy.  Sexual Harassment may fall within or outside of the Title IX definition of Sexual Harassment found in Appendix B of the full Policy.

Petty slights, annoyances, and isolated incidents will not rise to the level of violation of a Saybrook policy or rule. To be considered a violation, the conduct must create an environment that would be intimidating, hostile, or offensive to a reasonable person.

Offensive conduct may include but is not limited to jokes, slurs, epithets or name calling, physical assaults or threats, intimidation, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs, offensive objects or pictures, or interference with academic performance.

When discriminatory harassment rises to the level of creating a hostile environment, Saybrook may also impose sanctions on the Respondent through the application of the appropriate grievance process set forth in the Policy.

The Policy includes a prohibition of online and cyber manifestations of any of the behaviors prohibited through this policy when those behaviors occur in or have an effect on Saybrook’s education program and activities or use Saybrook networks, technology, or equipment.


Saybrook also bars retaliation against any person who exercises their rights under the Policy, including filing a good faith report of discrimination or harassment, participating in the complaint resolution procedures relating to the same, supporting a Complainant or Respondent, or assisting in providing information relevant to an investigation.

Reporting Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation

For the full Policy as well as additional resources, please visit or click HERE.

A student who believes they have been subject to unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation on the basis of a Protected Category, whether by faculty members, employees, training supervisors, visitors or other students, should report such matters to the /Title IX Coordinator.   Preparation of a written complaint may be required depending on the basis for the complaint.    Complaints should include details of the incident or incidents, names of the individuals involved, names of any witnesses and any documents supporting the complaint.

Response to Complaints - Resolution Processes

When the Title IX Coordinator receives a complaint, they will take prompt and appropriate action.  The process used to address the complaint will depend on the subject matter of the complaint.  For complaints of Title IX Sexual Harassment, the Title IX Grievance Process, as described in Section C of the Policy, will be used.  For all other complaints, the General Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Resolution Process, as described in Section B of the Policy, will be used.  In some instances, an informal resolution process may be used, if deemed appropriate.  Complaints and investigations will be handled on a confidential basis, to the extent possible, with regard for the rights of Complainants and Respondents. Information about the complaint and investigation will only be released on a need-to-know basis, or as otherwise required or permitted by law.

Other Reporting Options

Students may also decide to report to law enforcement, if applicable, although they are not required to do so.  Reporting of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking to the police does not commit the Complainant to further legal action. However, the earlier an incident is reported, the easier it will be for the police to investigate if the Complainant decides to proceed with criminal charges. Early reporting makes it more likely that the police will be able gather needed evidence before it is lost or destroyed, and that the Complainant will receive timely notice of potentially helpful victim/witness services.

In addition, students may contact a professional counselor, domestic violence counselor or pastoral counselor, not connected to Saybrook, either through Student Solutions, or through other agencies or resources. Information about Student Solutions and other resources are available on the Student Gateway. Saybrook encourages community members who have experienced sexual misconduct to immediately report the incident to the local police department or another area law enforcement agency. 

Supportive Measures

Complainants and Respondents may request supportive measures, including but not limited to academic support, extensions of academic deadlines, class schedule modifications, withdrawals, leaves of absence, no-contact order, student financial aid counseling and referral to counseling, medical or other healthcare services and visa and immigration assistance, which shall be provided, as deemed appropriate, in accordance with the Policy. Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the parties to restore or preserve access to Saybrook’s Education Program or Activity, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or Saybrook’s educational environment, and/or deter harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation.

Saybrook will maintain the privacy of the supportive measures, provided that privacy does not impair Saybrook’s ability to provide the supportive measures. Saybrook will act to ensure as minimal an academic impact on the parties as possible. Saybrook will implement measures in a way that does not unreasonably burden any party.

Emergency Removal

In certain circumstances, the Title IX Coordinator] may determine that an emergency removal is appropriate.  If that decision is made, the Respondent will be notified of the decision and be given the option to meet with the Title IX Coordinator prior to such emergency removal being imposed or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible to show cause why the action should not be implemented or should be modified.

Title IX Advisors

The Complainant and Respondent are entitled to have a Title IX Advisor of their choosing accompany them to any meeting or proceeding within the Title IX Formal Grievance process, if they so choose.   The parties may select whoever they wish to serve as their Title IX Advisor as long as the Title IX Advisor is eligible and available. At the hearing, cross-examination is required and must be conducted by the parties’ Title IX Advisors. The parties are not permitted to directly cross-examine each other or any witnesses. If a party does not have a Title IX Advisor for a hearing, the Title IX Coordinator will appoint a trained Title IX Advisor for the limited purpose of conducting any cross-examination during the hearing.  Contact the Title IX Coordinator to obtain a list of those individuals available to serve as a Title IX Advisor.

Sanctions and Remedial Action

If the Hearing Officer_ determines that the Policy was violated, sanctions may be imposed and effective remedial action will be taken.  Individuals who violate the Policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including removal from Saybrook University.  In addition, appropriate action will be taken to deter any future unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation.

For students, the sanctions that may be imposed include:

  • Formal written warning;
  • Professional Improvement Plan (a plan intended to require reflection and remediation of behavior found to be in violation of this policy);
  • No contact order pertaining to certain Saybrook Community Members or physical locations;
  • Probation (a written reprimand for violation of institutional policy, providing for more severe disciplinary sanctions in the event that the student or organization is found in violation of any institutional policy, procedure, or directive within one academic year.
  • Suspension (termination of student status for a definite period of time not to exceed one academic year and/or until specific criteria are met.
  • Withholding of degree conferral and/or issuance of a certificate;
  • Referral to counseling services and/or Student Solutions for the Respondent;
  • Required training or education; and/or
  • Dismissal from Saybrook.


The parties have the right to appeal a decision made, in certain circumstances. The details of the appeals process depend on the subject matter of the complaint.  For appeals resulting from a report of Title IX Sexual Harassment, the Appeals process contained within the Title IX Grievance Process, as described in Section C of the Policy, will be used.  For all other appeals, the General Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Resolution Process, as described in Section B of the Policy, will be used. 


Policy Exceptions

When students enroll at Saybrook University, they are aware of the costs they will incur and the financial aid available to them and the policies that they are subject to. Before enrolling, students should understand their obligations to Saybrook for the duration of their degree program.

Exceptions to selected Saybrook institutional policies may be granted on a discretionary basis after review by the Petition for Policy Exception Committee. Should a current or former student (hereafter referred to as “petitioner”) face an extenuating circumstance that necessitates a request for exception to selected institutional policies, the petitioner may present a case for their desired exception using the Petition for Policy Exception. An extenuating circumstance is defined as a documented serious medical issue such as illness or injury of the petitioner; a documented death, serious injury, or severe illness of a primary family member (spouse or partner, child, parent or guardian, grandparent, or sibling); an institutional error; or other similar specified reason.

Discretionary Funding:

The Petitions Committee will also review student petitions for discretionary funding.  A student who can document that extenuating life circumstances or changes adversely affected the ability to pay tuition for a specific academic year can file a petition. If no supporting documentation is provided or the form is incomplete, a petition will not be reviewed.

Students may only submit one request for discretionary funding per academic year. No petitions will be reviewed from students who have submitted requests within the current academic year. Currently enrolled students may not submit a request for a semester prior to the current academic year. Requests are based on the following extenuating/ unforeseen circumstances:

  • Death of an immediate family member which demonstrably impacts a student’s ability to pay tuition.
  • Student required to take care of ill or disabled family member (student must provide documentation of illness or disability and need for continuing care).
  • Medical conditions that prevent the student from meeting financial obligation to the school
  • Involuntary change in employment or income beyond the student’s control.
  • Natural disaster (request supported by documentation).

Submitting a petition in no way guarantees that a policy exception will be granted. All decisions made by the Petition for Policy Committee are final and cannot be overturned or appealed.  The policy exception procedure is institutional not judicial, so there is no role for legal counsel.


Policy Exception cannot be used to appeal a disciplinary decision, appeal a grade, change a curriculum or timeframe of a degree program, and/or request an exception to academic department policy. The petition may not be used for accessibility accommodation. A student requiring accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act must follow the process outlined in the Accessibility Accommodations section of this Catalog.

Petitions for tuition waiver will not be considered in the following instances:

  • Lack of knowledge or misinterpretation of Saybrook policies and procedures as published in the Catalog and on the Saybrook website
  • Student’s errors in judgment or irresponsibility involving availability of finances, academic ability, or time management
  • Dissatisfaction with course content or delivery of instruction
  • Dissatisfaction with academic progress in course
  • Appeals of non-refundable fees
  • Loss of financial aid, grants or scholarships due to lack of satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Please refer to the SAP guidelines for appeal.
  • Non-receipt of mail or email due to obsolete address on file with the registrar or financial aid
  • Student errors resulting in the delay of administrative processes relative to registration or delivery of financial aid funds
  • Awarded up to Financial Aid cost of attendance (please check with the financial aid office if you are unsure)

Submitting a Petition for Policy Exception or Discretionary Funding:

A petitioner is encouraged to seek supporting signatures from their Department Chair and Course Instructor of Record (if applicable) for all requests.  Additional signatures may be required for specific types of petitions. Signatures must be applied to the petition before it is submitted for consideration.  Department Chair signature is not required for discretionary funding petitions.

A petition for policy exception or for discretionary funding must be signed, dated, and submitted by the petitioner via email to the Office of Student Affairs. A petition submitted by another party will not be accepted except in cases where the petitioner is incapacitated. In such a case, a petitioner’s FERPA Release Designee must consult with the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs on whether they may submit the petition. A petition must be submitted no later than the Add/Drop deadline two terms/one semester after the one in which the extenuating circumstance occurred. The Add/Drop deadline is posted on the Academic Calendar.


Outcomes granted through policy exception include but are not limited to tuition forgiveness, assignment of a “W” grade, compassionate withdrawal or waiver of selected fees. Non-refundable institutional fees such as, Student Institutional Service, Payment Plan Enrollment, Late Payment, and Degree Conferral fees may not be petitioned. When requesting tuition forgiveness, courses dropped after 60% of the term/semester has expired are eligible for up to 50% maximum tuition forgiveness only. Tuition forgiveness may result in a refund to the petitioner’s lender, a credit applied to the petitioner’s student account, or a refund to the petitioner. The institution will determine how forgiveness will be processed, and it will consider the nature of the petition, financial aid regulations, what is in the best interest of the petitioner, and other external rules in making a determination.

Petitions that fail to comply with this policy may be rejected by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs who will provide written notification to the petitioner. Additional information, including the petition form, is available from Student Affairs.

Student Code of Conduct

The conduct of the students of Saybrook University shall reflect the humanistic values upon which Saybrook was founded and to which it remains committed. 

Students are responsible for knowing and understanding all Saybrook policies, rules, and regulations and for complying with Saybrook’s Code of Conduct.  The Student Code of Conduct (SCC) and the procedures it includes are intended to provide a means by which Saybrook can take appropriate actions, if necessary, to protect its interests as both an educational institution and corporate entity responsible to the larger society of which it is a part.  This policy applies to enrolled students and to students who have yet to enroll in classes but are admitted to Saybrook, those who choose to take a Leave of Absence (LOA), withdraw, for any misconduct that occurred post-admission but prior to enrollment in classes, and/or prior to the student taking leave, or withdrawing. If sanctioned, a hold may be placed on the student’s ability to enroll, re-enroll, and/or graduate, and all sanctions must be satisfied prior to the hold being released.  Saybrook also retains conduct jurisdiction over certificate and non-degree seeking students.  

Policy and Code of Conduct


Saybrook strives to maintain a learning community characterized by intentional behaviors and interactions that reflect and value the personal integrity of each member of the community, common civility, and the active mutual respect by each individual member of the community toward each other, including specifically, diversity of opinions and beliefs. This policy applies to conduct at Saybrook or in direct connection with any activity sponsored by Saybrook.  Unacceptable behaviors include, but are not limited to, conduct that:

  1. May threaten the health, safety, or security of any member of the Saybrook community, including the person who may be engaged in the violation. This includes but is not limited to unlawful possession, use, sale or distribution or knowing possession of illegal drugs or narcotics; being under the influence of non-prescription drugs or alcohol; or possession or use of explosives or deadly weapons or other weapons; or 

  2. Constitutes violation of the policies set forth in the catalog related to plagiarism or academic honesty as well as drug-free policies.  Note that allegations of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, or to unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation based on any protected classifications are handled in accordance with the Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and Title IX Policy; or 

  3. Constitutes an overt attempt to intimidate, offend or demonstrate hostility towards others that exceeds civil expressions of difference; or 

  4. Constitutes a gross breach of professional and ethical standards of conduct and of standards of intellectual honesty and academic scholarship. Such misconduct includes any form of cheating or plagiarism, or any attempt to obtain credit for academic work through fraudulent, deceptive, or dishonest means (see below). Students are expected to be the sole authors of their essays and dissertations and the sole creators of original concepts expressed in them; or 

  5. Interferes, or seriously threatens to interfere, with Saybrook-related activity of any student or member of the faculty, administration, staff, or Board of Trustees of Saybrook. This includes physical abuse, misappropriation of or destruction of property; or 

  6. Violates, or seriously threatens to violate, any federal, state, or local law; or 

  7. Intentionally violates institutional policies, or fails to comply with the authorized requests or directives of members of the Saybrook administration acting in their official capacity; or 

  8. Solicits or assists another to perform an act which violates this Policy; or 

  9. Fails to participate in the proceeding of the Review Panel called to review his/her student conduct; or 

  10. Fails to abide by the Professional Comportment requirements set forth below. 

Student Code of Conduct Complaint Procedures 

  1. Administration. This Student Code of Conduct (SCC) is administered by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or their Designee. 
  2. Initiation of Complaint. Any member of the Saybrook community may file a complaint of SCC violation with the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee. Note that the complaint procedure below does not apply to allegations of sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, or to unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation based on any protected classifications which are addressed in the Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and Title IX Policy. The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee may also initiate an inquiry into possible violations of the SCC.   
  3. Definitions.
    1. Referring Party - individual filing a Student Code of Conduct Complaint.
    2. Responding Party - student whom the complaint is filed against.
    3. ​Support person - Faculty or staff member employed by Saybrook, accompanying a student at a Review Panel hearing. 
  4. Filing a Complaint. A complaint of violation of the SCC shall be filed with the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee using the Student Code of Conduct Complaint Form, summarizing the allegations and related facts.  

The Student Code of Conduct Complaint Form must include:

  1. the name of the referring party;  
  2. the name of the person who is the subject of the complaint (responding party);  
  3. the date(s) on which the alleged violation(s)took place;  
  4. the place or places where the alleged violation(s) occurred;  
  5. a statement describing the alleged violation(s); 
  6. all sections of the SCC allegedly violated;  
  7. the names of any witnesses to the alleged violation(s); 
  8. a brief statement of the remedy sought by the referring party; and  
  9. ​the signature of the referring party with the date when the complaint is filed.

The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee will prepare the Student Code of Conduct Complaint Form himself/herself when he/she initiates the inquiry.  

Review Complaint and Determination by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs 

If the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs has a conflict of interest due to the nature of the complaint or the accused student’s disciplinary history, or if the student believes that the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs  may be unable to be impartial or may have a conflict of interest, the complaint may be referred to the Associate Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs  or their designee for review and determination regarding the alleged conflict of interest.  The Associate Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs will determine if a conflict exists, and their decision is final.  A copy of the complaint will be provided to the responding party. 

Upon an initial determination by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs  or Designee, based upon his or her own informal inquiries and investigation, that the SCC may have been violated or has been violated, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs  or Designee in consultation with others, as may be appropriate, will decide whether the matter may best be resolved informally (with or without the assistance of others), or whether it warrants formal consideration and action. It may be necessary for the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee to consult witnesses, the referring party and/or the responding party to determine the correct course of action.  The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee will make this decision within ten (10) business days of receiving the completed Student Code of Conduct Complaint Form. 

The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee shall investigate the SCC complaint and determine its validity, determine the nature of the violation, and determine the appropriate resolution process. The investigation will include an opportunity for the responding party to provide information.  That resolution may occur informally or through formal consideration by the Review Panel. The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs may impose formal disciplinary sanctions up to and including probationary status.  The responding party will be informed in writing if the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs imposes formal disciplinary sanctions without formal consideration by the Review Panel. The responding party will also be provided with instructions on filing an appeal; and any such appeal must be made in accordance with the standards outlined in the Appeal Procedure section of the catalog.  

Administration Suspension

In extreme circumstances, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee may impose an administrative suspension on a student believed to:  

  1. pose a significant risk to the safety of other students, faculty, or community members from school events and/or programs; or 

  1. pose a threat of disruption of the educational process and other activities of the Saybrook community.   

Such a suspension would restrict the individual’s ability to enter Saybrook property or attend Saybrook events or activities for an indefinite amount of time until the matter can be thoroughly investigated, and a final disposition can be rendered.  A student may be restricted from Saybrook property, Saybrook events or Saybrook activities or disciplined for improper or illegal conduct whether it occurs on or off-campus (including cyberspace), and regardless of whether the conduct is specifically tied to a school activity. 

In all cases in which an Administrative Suspension is imposed on a student, the student will be given notice of the action and the option to request to meet with the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs prior to such action/removal being imposed, or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible, to show cause why the action/removal should not be implemented or should be modified.  This meeting is not a hearing on the merits of the allegation(s), but rather is an administrative process intended to determine solely whether Administrative Suspension is appropriate. There is no appeal process for Administrative Suspension decisions.  At the discretion of the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee, alternative coursework options may be pursued to ensure as minimal an academic impact as possible on the responding party.  A student who is placed on Administrative Suspension is not considered in good conduct standing for the duration of the investigation of the alleged Student Code of Conduct violation(s). 

In cases that involve an Administrative Suspension as described above, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and/or the Associate Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs maintains the right to continue or initiate an Administrative Suspension, pending the outcome of the Review Panel proceedings and any subsequent appeal. 

No-Contact Directive

The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee may issue a no-contact directive to one or both parties to address safety concerns as well as to minimize the disruption of the educational process for any students involved. The no contact directive will prohibit a party from contacting another party via telephone, email, social media, or third party until the alleged Student Code of Conduct violation is resolved.

Informal Resolution

The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee may decide to resolve an alleged Student Code of Conduct violation informally.  As part of the informal resolution process, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee will:

  1. Schedule time to meet with the responding party to discuss the alleged Student Code of Conduct violation(s), hear the responding party’s response to the alleged violation(s) and counsel the responding party, as appropriate. 
  2. ​Send Notice of Informal Resolution in writing to the responding party’s Saybrook email account within ten (10) business days of the meeting.  The Notice of Informal Resolution may include:
    1. Agreement by the responding party to refrain from engaging in specific behaviors;
    2. Participation in an educational activity; or
    3. Participation in conciliation processes as appropriate

The Notice of Informal Resolution is not a formal disciplinary sanction, but the documentation will be retained in the Student Affairs Student Code of Conduct records.

Complaint Dismissal

Upon review of the Student Code of Conduct Complaint form, supporting documentation, and/or meeting with the responding party, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee, may determine no Student Code of Conduct violation(s) occurred.  If no violation(s) is found, the responding party will be notified of this decision in writing, and the matter will be considered resolved.  The letter of no finding and documentation will be stored in the Student Affairs Student Code of Conduct records.

Student Code of Conduct Review Panel

At their discretion, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee may determine a matter warrants formal consideration and action, even if informal resolution has been attempted.  In such cases, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee will convene a formal Review Panel chaired by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee. The Review Panel shall consist of three members of the Saybrook community who have been trained to review alleged violations of the SCC and on the Review Panel process. Its membership shall be approved by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee. The Review Panel shall be charged with formal determination of, report upon, and recommended action regarding the alleged violation. The Review Panel shall be convened in matters where suspension and/or exclusion or dismissal and expulsion may be considered.  Note that a Review Panel is not required to be convened before an Administrative Suspension is imposed, as described above. The Review Panel shall be convened within ten (10) business days of the determination by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee that a Review Panel is warranted. 

Review Panel

The Review Panel will review the complaint with the responding party, conduct interviews and review any pertinent records, and discuss options for resolving the complaint.  If the responding party has reason to believe that a member of the Review Panel may be unable to be impartial or may have a conflict of interest, the responding party may request that the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs disqualify that member from the Review Panel. Only the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee may grant a request for disqualification, and his/her decision in such matters is final, unless responding party claims that the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs is the individual with a conflict.  In that situation, the Associate Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs will determine if a conflict exists, and their decision is final.   

The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs will send a notice to the responding party that the matter has been referred to a Review Panel.  The notice shall include a summary of the allegations, the provisions of the SCC alleged to have been violated and a copy of the complaint, the members of the Review Panel, the date and time of the Review Panel proceedings, and a description of the proceedings, including the possible sanctions that may be imposed.  The responding party shall also be notified of his/her right to have a support person of his or her choice, as defined above, present at the Review Panel proceedings with him/her. The responding party has the right to respond in writing to the allegations, and if he/she decides to do so, must submit the written response at least two (2) business days prior to the Review Panel proceedings.  The responding party will be notified at least five (5) business days before the date of the Review Panel proceedings, except in an emergency.  Students are required to participate in the Review Panel proceedings that will be held via video conference.  A student who does not comply with the request to participate in the proceedings of the Review Panel called to review his/her student conduct may be found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct. 

Review Panel Proceedings Procedures

  1. The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee will summarize the alleged violation(s) of the SCC and notify responding party of the process to be followed during the proceedings. 
  2. The Review Panel will conduct interviews of witnesses, which may include the referring party, who are present in person or by telephone/video. 
  3. The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs will ask the responding party to respond to the complaint and will note the responding party’s comments. 
  4. The Review Panel will ask clarifying questions of referring party, witnesses and/or the responding party to gather pertinent information. 
  5. In cases where a responding party does not appear after proper notice or does not provide justifiable reasons for nonappearance, a decision will be rendered in the absence of the responding party. In this circumstance, the responding party may not appeal on the grounds that they have additional evidence that was not available at the time of the proceeding. 
  6. Once the Review Panel completes its proceedings, it shall render a decision. Such a decision will be made within ten business (10) days of the conclusion of the Review Panel proceedings, except in extenuating circumstances.  If the Review Panel determines that a preponderance of evidence indicates that the responding party is responsible for violating Saybrook’s SCC, the Review Panel will then issue appropriate sanctions to the responding party through a letter of sanction. 
  7. The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs will send notice of the Review Panel’s decision in writing to the responding party within ten (10) business days of the hearing. Instructions on filing an appeal will be provided to the responding party in writing. The responding party will also be informed in writing if the Review Panel determines that they are not responsible for any violation of the SCC. 
  8. The responding party may appeal the decision according to the standards outlined in the Appeal Procedure section of the catalog below. 
  9. ​A student who withdraws from Saybrook while Review Panel proceedings are pending shall not be permitted to register again until the student’s case has been adjudicated and/or any sanctions complied with. 

All communication, including notices and the letter of sanctions, will be transmitted through the responding party’s Saybrook email address.  A student’s personal email address will only be used if a responding party’s Saybrook email is disabled.  In the event the responding party is not able to be reached by personal email, follow up communication will be sent via certified or overnight mail. 

Disciplinary Sanctions

Any student or students found in violation of any SCC provisions by the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs (individually or on the findings of a Review Panel) may be subject to the following disciplinary actions: 

  1. Verbal or written warning that future misconduct may result in further or more severe disciplinary action. 
  2. Disciplinary Probation: the student may remain at Saybrook on the condition of demonstrated behavior that is acceptable to Saybrook within a specified period. 
  3. Educational: a student is required to complete an educational activity, such as attending a workshop, completing an online training module, writing a reflection paper, completing courses elsewhere, etc. 
  4. Permanent No-Contact Directive: in certain situations, the Review Panel may impose a permanent no-contact directive for the duration of a responding party’s enrollment at Saybrook. 
  5. ​Suspension: loss of student status for a specified time with resultant loss of all student rights and privileges including all Saybrook events and activities. A suspended student will lose credit for courses carried that semester and fees and tuition will be forfeited according to the standard withdrawal policy. The disciplinary action will be recorded on the transcript and a hold will be placed on the student’s record preventing registration for an upcoming term. Upon notice of suspension, all Saybrook log in credentials (including yet not limited to Saybrook student email, Canvas, Student Gateway, library services, Zoom) will be disabled immediately.  A student may be dismissed during such a suspension if the conditions of the suspension are violated. 

After the period of Suspension, the responding party will be reinstated if: 

  1. The responding party has satisfied the terms of the suspension as set forth by the Review Panel in the Notice of Outcome; and 
  2. ​The responding party meets the standards as identified by the Saybrook Satisfactory Academic Progress policy. 


Permanent termination of student status. Notification of dismissal will appear on the transcript and the student will be barred from all Saybrook properties, including, but not limited to the University Learning Experience/Residential Learning Experience site(s) immediately.  Upon dismissal, all Saybrook log in credentials will be disabled immediately, as outlined above. 

Decisions in Absentia

If a responding party fails to participate in a Student Code of Conduct process or withdraws from Saybrook during a pending Student Code of Conduct review including informal resolution and Review Panel Proceedings, the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Designee may move forward with resolving the matter without the responding party’s participation. 

Appeal Procedure

A responding party has the right to submit a written appeal of the Review Panel’s or Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs decision to the Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee within ten (10) business days of being notified of the decision.  The written appeal must include:  

  1. A statement of the decision that the responding party wishes to appeal; 
  2. ​All information that the responding party is asking the Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee to consider and the basis for the appeal. 

All appeals must be based on one or more of the following:

  1. Substantial and prejudicial failure to follow procedures;  
  2. The imposed sanction is disproportionate to the violation;  
  3. ​New evidence or arguments that were not available at the time of the Review Panel proceedings. 

Late appeals will not be considered. The Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee may leave the original sanction intact or reduce the original sanction. If the Vice President of Academic Affairs determines that there was a substantial and prejudicial failure to follow procedure or new evidence are arguments that were not available at the time of the Review Panel proceedings, the Vice President of Academic Affairs should send the matter back to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs or Review Panel for further review. The decision of the Vice President of Academic Affairs or designee is final. Notice of the outcome of appeals will be sent to the responding party within seven (7) business days of receipt of the written letter of appeal.  

In the event a dismissal sanction is reversed the responding party’s Saybrook log in credentials, as outlined above, will be reinstated immediately.  The Vice President of Academic Affairs or his/her Designee will work with faculty regarding the modification of any academic assignments. 

Professional Comportment

Saybrook University recognizes the importance of personal and professional competencies in addition to traditional academic skills. The institution embraces the model training policy statement adopted by the Council of Chairs of Training Councils (CCTC) of the American Psychological Association (APA) and holds that:

Professional practitioners of psychology and health services are expected to demonstrate competence within and across a number of different but interrelated dimensions. Programs that educate and train professional practitioners of psychology also strive to protect the public and profession. Therefore, faculty, training staff, supervisors, administrators, employees, and fellow students at Saybrook University have a duty and responsibility to evaluate the competence of students and trainees across multiple aspects of performance, development, and functioning.

It is important for students and trainees to understand and appreciate that academic competence is defined and evaluated comprehensively. Specifically, in addition to performance in coursework, seminars, scholarship, comprehensive examinations, and related program requirements, other aspects of professional development and functioning (e.g., cognitive, emotional, psychological, interpersonal, technical and ethical) will also be evaluated. Such comprehensive evaluation is necessary in order to appraise the entire range of academic performance, development and functioning of their student-trainees (Adapted from CCTC/APA, 2004).

Each Saybrook student is holistically evaluated by all members of the learning community on standards of professional performance, development, and functioning that include, but are not limited to, interpersonal and professional competence (consistently establishing positive interpersonal relationships, demonstrating an active commitment to education and training, communicating professionally, demonstrating integrity, affirming individual and cultural differences); self-awareness and self-reflection (awareness of own various roles in diverse contexts, recognizing limitations and training/learning needs, awareness of own cultural values); openness to feedback; and proactive, engaged resolution of issues that may interfere with professional development or functioning. A student’s professional performance, functioning, and development may be evaluated both within and outside of the classroom, whether it occurs on- or off-campus (including cyberspace), and regardless of whether it is specifically tied to a school activity.

Concerns about a student’s professional comportment should be directed to the Department Chair. A student will be alerted to concerns about professional comportment (professional performance, functioning, and development) and receive advisement, remediation, and support as deemed necessary and appropriate. If there are any issues that cannot be resolved at the Departmental level, the matter will be referred to the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs to convene a formal Review Panel to determine the appropriate course of action.

Social Media Policy

Saybrook University recognizes the Internet provides the community with unique opportunities to participate in interactive discussions and share information on topics using a wide array of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs, and wikis. A student is advised to use appropriate and professional judgment when using social media. The school expects a student to adhere to the following guidelines and rules regarding use of social media. Furthermore, Saybrook encourages open and transparent dialogue consistent with the ethical and professional comportment guidelines set forth in the Catalog.

When participating in any social networking activity, a student is representing oneself and your actions reflect Saybrook. This policy is not intended to restrict the ability of any individual to have an online presence or to mandate what a student can and cannot say or post. Social networking is a very valuable tool, and Saybrook encourages each student to practice humanistic and responsible involvement in this space.

Failure to adhere to Saybrook’s social media policy will be considered grounds for discipline, up to and including dismissal from the school. A former student in suspension, withdrawn, or dismissed status may not claim to be an active student of Saybrook on any social networking site.


  • Social media should be used in a way that demonstrates our humanistic, values-driven process of engaging with the complex issues.  As such, social media should never be used in a way that violates any other Saybrook policies or student responsibilities.
  • A student may blog or post information or photos and video at their own risk and are personally and legally responsible for personal postings and online comments. The institution does not assume any liability or risk for a student’s blogging or posting online. The following are illustrative of the types of relevant laws implicated by the use of social media tools, but it is not intended to be comprehensive: privacy, libel, defamation, harassment, copyright, data theft, disclosure of material non-public information, and disclosure of confidential intellectual property or trade secret information.
  • A student is encouraged to include on personal blogs, blog postings, or websites a disclaimer similar to the following: “The opinions expressed on this (blog, website, etc.) are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Saybrook University.”
  • Personal use of social media should not involve unlawful content or interfere with another student’s learning environment.
  • If a student is required to use social media as part of classes or curriculum, the student should do so in compliance with the policies in the Catalog.
  • In the process of honoring the members of the Saybrook community, it is recommended that a student refrain from posting any content, including photos and video, that is harassing, discriminatory, defamatory, threatening, disparaging, libelous, or otherwise illegal or injurious to other students, client groups, or faculty or staff members of Saybrook.
  • A student is encouraged to use good judgment. The student must always strive to be accurate in communications about Saybrook and fellow students.
  • A student must be respectful to other students, faculty, and staff of Saybrook and must refrain from posting anything that violates Saybrook policy, including ethnic slurs, sexist comments, discriminatory comments, or obscenity.
  • A student may not infringe on copyrights or trademarks. A student may not use images without permission and must properly cite quoted material.
  • A student may not use Saybrook logos, trademarks, or other intellectual property without the school’s written permission. The institution monitors the use of its name, copyright, trademarks, website, and other information on the Internet. Requests for permission to use Saybrook brand or intellectual property must be submitted to the Associate Enrollment Services Coordinator.
  • A student must be aware of and remain in compliance with applicable patient confidentiality rules and regulations.
  • Student use of social media for research recruitment or data collection requires review and approval from the Saybrook University Institutional Review Board (IRB).
  • A student may not transmit confidential information such as educational classifications, psychological diagnoses, psychological reports, and research data in such a way that clients and/or research participants can be identified.
  • A student studying abroad is expected to comply with all local legal social media requirements (if the requirements does not violate US law) and are expected to be considerate of any subject matter that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory at a regional level, especially regarding local culture, politics, or religion.
  • A student contacted by a member of the media about Saybrook are expected to forward inquiries to Chris James, Associate Director of Communications at
  • Prior to engaging in any form of social media as a representative of Saybrook, a student must receive permission from the academic department in consultation with the school’s communications staff members.
  • A student representing Saybrook in an official capacity via social media, i.e. Student Ambassadors, Community Moderators, or Blog authors shall be held to the same policy conditions as employees of the institution.
  • A former student in withdrawn or dismissed status may not claim to be an active student of Saybrook on any social networking site.  A former student who fails to remove references to active status will be subject to a cease and desist order.

Saybrook Audio/Visual Recording and Sharing Limitations Policy

Students are required to obtain the professor’s permission before recording class lectures or presentations. When applicable, students with Saybrook University approved accommodations are required to follow procedures outlined in their letter of accommodation.

Students are required to obtain the express permission of persons involved before making a video recording, audio recording, taking photographs, or streaming audio/video of any member of the Saybrook Community, whether in person or in a videoconference.

By participating in remote learning video or audio sessions, students agree that materials shared are for their own learning and are not to be shared with others. They may not save, record, share, or post session recordings, audio, or photos in any venue including social media, without prior permission.

Finally, students are required to gain approval of the copyright holder before making any derivative works from materials for which they are not the copyright holder. If students need assistance with identifying the copyright holder, they may contact the Director of Research at

A student who fails to comply with this policy is subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the Student Code of Conduct.


Student Services Personnel, Policies, and Processes

Saybrook University’s goals are to respond to student and institutional needs, to provide programs and services in support of our mission, to assist students in achieving academic success, and to enhance the overall learning environment.

Saybrook does not offer placement services and no employment services are being provided at this time.

Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs 

The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs of the University addresses personal situations that may affect graduate work, specifically problems or complaints that need resolution, and cannot be resolved at the program level.  Circumstances that may impair a student’s ability to continue with the program should be brought to the attention of the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs as early as possible. Questions for the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs can be directed to

The Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs serves as the Title IX Coordinator and ADA Coordinator. A student who believes to have been subject to unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, should report complaints in accordance with Saybrook’s Anti-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and Title IX Policy, which covers sexual harassment and sexual violence.

Students requiring educational accommodation per ADA regulations must make this known to the ADA Coordinator by submitting the forms regarding ADA accommodation (available as downloads on the University website under Student Services).

Office of the Registrar

The mission of the Office of the Registrar is to maintain an accurate academic record for each student who enrolls at Saybrook, and to provide timely, accurate, and responsive services to students, faculty, staff, and the public. The Registrar oversees course management, registration, transcripts and degree certification and manages the retention, access, and control of academic records for present and past Saybrook students.

Academic Records Services to Students

Saybrook maintains permanent records for each student granted a degree or certificate, which include the degree or certificate granted and the date on which that degree or certificate was granted, the courses and units on which the certificate or degree was based, and the grades earned by the student in each of those courses.


Students and alumni may obtain official transcripts from the Office of the Registrar.  Saybrook University works with the National Student Clearinghouse for all transcript orders. Transcripts may be ordered online.

Outstanding financial obligations to the University will be noted to the transcript. The notation will be removed once the obligation has been cleared.


The transferability of credits earned at Saybrook University is at the discretion of the receiving college, university, or other educational institution.  Students considering transferring to any institution should not assume that credits earned in any program of study at Saybrook University will be accepted by the receiving institution.  Similarly, the ability of a degree, certificate, diploma, or other academic credential earned at Saybrook University to satisfy an admission requirement of another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution.  Accreditation does not guarantee credentials or credits earned at Saybrook University will be accepted by or transferred to another institution.  To minimize risk of having to repeat coursework, students should contact the receiving institution in advance for evaluation and determination of transferability of credits and/or acceptability of degrees, diplomas, or certificates earned.

Enrollment Verification

Saybrook University is a participant in the National Student Clearinghouse, a central repository that maintains enrollment information for over 2800 US colleges and universities. Enrollment Verification through the Clearinghouse is designed to fulfill the verification requirements of agencies or companies offering products or services that require proof of a student’s enrollment status. Students, agencies, and companies should visit the National Student Clearinghouse website ( to obtain enrollment verification.

Access to Academic Records

Students may have access to their records at any time during business hours with reasonable notice. Saybrook complies with applicable federal laws with regard to student records access. In accordance with FERPA, Saybrook may utilize up to 45 calendar days to provide students with access to their educational records.


Access to Electronic Systems 

Each Saybrook student is provided with a school-sponsored email account. The student is responsible for all information communicated through email in the same way and to the same extent as if published in hard copy and distributed through other means. The student must regularly check this account for information transmitted by various departments of the school. The school will not direct electronic correspondence from official school email accounts to personal email addresses; the student is expected to utilize the institutional email addresses for all electronic communication about school matters.

Files and email messages that travel using the school’s network are not private. A user’s privacy is superseded by the school’s requirement to maintain the network’s integrity and the rights of all network users. For example, should the security of the network be in danger, user files and messages may be examined under the direction of the Director of Information Technology. The school reserves its right, as owner of the network and the computers in question, to examine, log, capture, archive, and otherwise preserve or inspect any messages transmitted over the network and any data files stored on school-owned computers, should circumstances warrant such actions. All members of the community must recognize that electronic communications are by no means secure, and that during the course of ordinary management of computing and networking services, network administrators may inadvertently view user files or messages.

Should a student withdraw or be dismissed from Saybrook, access to the institution’s electronic systems including, but not limited to, the library databases, school-provided email, and other systems will be suspended. This suspension will remain in place for at least one year from the dismissal or withdrawal date, after which time the accounts may be deleted.

A student who graduates from a TCSES affiliate is granted lifetime access to email.  Access to all other electronic systems, including other Office 365 features and licensing for the Office Suite, is removed after graduation.  Students will be notified that they will lose access to any files in One Drive upon graduation and will be given a 90 day grace period to back up any necessary files.  Information Technology will be unable to recover any lost files after the aforementioned grace period. 

Website Services

The Saybrook University website ( provides academic program outlines, academic calendars and catalog, faculty profiles, current news and blog, and other academic and administrative information. Saybrook students are required to have web access and an Internet Service provider.

Students, faculty and staff have access to My Saybrook/Saybrook Student Gateway, a private side of the website that specifically serves the community. A Saybrook user ID and password grants the user access to Saybrook email, online courses, the University’s library resources, contact information for Saybrook students, staff and faculty, enrollment services and academic records, registrar forms, and student services contacts. New students receive their pre-assigned network user IDs and passwords after they have deposited.

Access Codes and Passwords

  • Students are expected to make every reasonable effort to ensure the security of their access codes and passwords.
  • All information, academic material, and proprietary material on the Saybrook website and network are the property of Saybrook, or other contracted property rights holder.
  • When using email, the virtual classrooms, and similar forums, students and all users are expected to use standards of acceptable speech and dialogue which are required in the classroom and detailed in the Saybrook Student Code of Conduct.
  • All individual information - rosters, email address lists, and similar contact data is intended solely for use by members of the Saybrook community for academic and administrative matters related to the academic programs of Saybrook. No one is permitted to copy, and/or distribute these lists for any other purpose.
  • Unofficial web uses: There are numerous private websites hosted by Saybrook students or faculty. These are not official activities of Saybrook and the content therein is not official policy of Saybrook University.

Student Compliance with Vendor and Service Contracts

Saybrook maintains a large number of contracts and usage agreements with commercial and non- profit vendors who provide linkages, software, hardware, and service products utilized in the Saybrook network. Students are expected to abide by all contractual obligations of all vendors and service providers.

All services and products on the Saybrook website are intended solely for use by matriculated Saybrook students, Saybrook faculty, staff, and administrators. Providing access to unauthorized users through your codes, passwords, or accounts is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

Multi-factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enabled for all accounts, (MFA) adds a layer of protection to the sign-in process. When accessing accounts or apps, users will be required to provide additional identity verification through their phone or other approved device.


The Saybrook University Library serves all students, faculty, and staff, wherever they are located.  The geographically distributed nature of the Saybrook community has led to the development of a robust set of (online) digital information resources, and agile technology-enhanced services to ensure that all of our community members, whether in Gabon or Milwaukee, have access to the research materials, people, and skills required for success in their degree programs, personal research, and beyond.  The vast majority of the information resources are gathered, organized, and provided access to through the Saybrook University Online Library.

Library Overview

The Saybrook library supplies access, and access routes, to a large array of information and research materials; identifies, acquires, and manages access to scholarly information related to all areas of study and research at Saybrook University; provides in-person, telephone-based, video-teleconference-based, email, and online reference, instruction, and one-on-one consultation services; provides the processes and runs the systems to acquire access to research articles and books beyond the borders of our collections, through document delivery and interlibrary loan services; provides in-class and online course-integrated instructional sessions upon request, as well as offering regular and recurring “open office hours” video-teleconference sessions to support the development and refinement of research strategies and skills of our students.   

Electronic Information Resources

With online access to over 80,000 full-text and abstracted journals, well over 250,000 academic eBooks, the full-text of the vast majority of dissertations and theses completed in the United States (and many internationally as well), a large and growing collection of academic-focused streaming video content, as well as tools and platforms to instruct and streamline processes around research and writing, the library is the foundation and the heart of the student research experience at Saybrook University.

The research tools, content repositories, and databases that are provided include, among much else, the full suite of APA-produced databases (PsycINFO, PsycBOOKS, PsycARTICLES, PsycTHERAPY, etc.), large premier multi-disciplinary databases (like Academic Search Ultimate and ProQuest Central), ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, CINAHL Complete, The Cochrane Library, MedLine, Natural Medicines Database, ABI/INFORM Complete, PAIS Index, Web of Science Core collection, specialty collections like SAGE Research Methods and Cases, research-related tools like RefWorks, and large full-text journal content repositories from SAGE, Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, and Wiley.

Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan

When research needs call for materials beyond the scope of our robust digital collections, the library again steps in to aid students with our various document delivery and interlibrary loan programs.  Although our lack of a large physical circulating collection of books and journals keeps us from fully participating in interlibrary loan programs, we have put innovative book borrowing, and article/chapter delivery services into place to meet this student need.  Saybrook has an arrangement by which students are able to borrow physical books from the University of Washington Libraries, and have those books delivered directly to their homes.  Through subsidized document delivery services, the Saybrook library is able to procure copies of journal articles and book chapters for students at a very low cost ($15/request passed on to students) and with quick turnaround times.  

With both information resources and library services provided at levels much more commonly found at larger universities, Saybrook University has established a solid information resource foundation, on top of which out students are supported in their exploring, discovery, learning and research tasks and projects.

Policy on Academic Honesty (Plagiarism) and Authorship

Plagiarism is incompatible with graduate study. Students are expected to be the sole authors of their written work, including coursework, projects, essays, theses, and dissertations. They are expected to be the sole creators of original concepts expressed in these written works, and to adequately cite the original concepts and writings of others. When students are co-authoring work, engaged in group work, or using editorial assistance in their work, the circumstances must be clearly identified and documented.

Plagiarism, which comes from the Latin word meaning “kidnapper” or “plunderer,” is a serious violation in research and all other academic work that can lead to failure in a course, academic suspension, or even expulsion from an institution. If the thoughts of others are used without citation, their work has been plundered by the user. Saybrook describes plagiarism as “a gross breach of the highest professional and ethical standards of conduct and of standards of intellectual honesty and academic scholarship.” Plagiarism is an act of betrayal of our field of study, of another researcher, and most importantly, of oneself. Presenting another’s thoughts as our own seriously limits our capacity to think in innovative ways, to create new ideas, to be a reliable thinker and researcher, and to participate in transformative learning, through which we can become more and more adept at self-expression, discovery, and the creation of new knowledge. If students co-author with another student, faculty member, or outside author, Saybrook adheres to the guidelines of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 7th Edition pertaining to the determination and listing of primary, secondary, and contributing authors, etc. Plagiarism is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may result in disciplinary action.

Saybrook’s official source for appropriate citations and authoring conventions is the American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 7th Edition and is supplemented by Saybrook’s Handbook of Format and Style for Dissertations, Theses, Projects and Capstones (2020).  A downloadable copy of the Handbook of Format and Style is available on the Saybrook student gateway. Additionally, Saybrook provides access to students and faculty to the Turnitin software which assists with appropriate citation methodology.

Writing Center staff members are available to answer any questions about plagiarism.