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    Saybrook University
  Mar 31, 2025
2018-2019 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook 
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2018-2019 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook [Archived Catalog]

Financial Aid and Payment Policies

Saybrook University Standard Tuition and Fees

Current tuition and fees for all programs, the cost of Residential Conferences and Residential Orientation may be found on the Saybrook University website at, and incorporated into the Academic Catalog by this reference. All fees are reviewed annually and may be subject to change by Saybrook at any time.

Additional Fees

Students should be prepared to meet additional costs of their degree program. These can include travel, accommodations, food, textbooks, learning guides, course readers, conference call charges, dissertation editors, computer software and hardware, courses at other institutions, commercial database searches, professional meetings, conferences, and workshops. Learning consultants or other editors are the sole responsibility of the students using their services. Explanation of additional fees may be found on our website.

Tuition Payment Policies

Payment Obligations

Students are expected to meet their payment obligations by ensuring that all balances are paid by the Friday of the first week of the term. Payment plans may be available by contacting the Student Accounts Office, but all semester tuition and fees must be paid in full by the last date of the semester. Late payment fees are charged monthly to students who fail to meet agreed-upon deadlines for any payment. Students will not receive monthly bills and are responsible for keeping track of their payment due dates. All student financial information is available online through the student Gateway.

Administrative Hold

Students whose payments have not been received in accordance with the terms outlined above will have a temporary administrative hold placed on their account until payment is received. Students on administrative hold are ineligible to enroll in courses, receive transcripts, or final diplomas until the hold is resolved and removed. Late payment notices will be sent to the student’s official school email address.

Financial Aid

Financial aid is money in the form of grants, loans, scholarships, and/or student employment that is used to pay tuition, fees, housing, meals, and other school-related expenses. Saybrook University is a participating institution approved by the US Department of Education to offer Title IV Federal Student Aid. 

A course is eligible for financial aid only if it meets a degree requirement as published in the Academic Catalog. Individual courses and graduate certificates completed outside of an academic degree program are ineligible for federal aid. 

The Office of Financial Aid’s policies and procedures are subject to change based on federal regulations and guidelines or interpretations thereof. Changes will be published in the academic catalog. It is the student’s responsibility to remain informed of all changes. The Office of Financial Aid adheres to the guidelines of ethical conduct developed by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA).

Students relying on federal or private loans for tuition payment must have completed all necessary loan arrangements so that such loans are approved and on file with the Financial Aid Office by the first payment due date each semester.  If the financial aid deadline is not met, students are required to make payment arrangements with the office of Student Accounts, until the loan money becomes available.

Loan Repayment

If a student obtains a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will have the responsibility to pay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund. If a student is eligible for a loan guaranteed by the federal or state government and the student defaults on the loan, both of the following may occur:

  1. The federal or state government or a loan guarantee agency may take action against the student, including applying any income tax refund to which the person is entitled to reduce the balance owed on the loan.
  2. The student may not be eligible for any other federal student financial aid at another institution or other government assistance until the loan is repaid.

Payment Options

Available Payment Methods

Approved Student Loans
Check: made payable to Saybrook University
Credit Card: Visa, MasterCard, or Discover
Online ACH/check (available on the student Gateway only)
Wire Transfer (fee will be charged)

Available Payment Plans

Payment in Full: Friday of the first week of the term
Installment Plan: 3-4 monthly installments spanning the length of the semester. Unless otherwise informed, students are subject to the standard Saybrook fee structure.
For all tuition, balance, or payment plan questions, contact the Student Accounts Office:

Refunds and Withdrawal

Student Refund Policy

Tuition charges may be eligible to be prorated based on the following conditions:

Notice of withdrawal must be made in writing to the Registrar’s Office.
The date of receipt of written notice of withdrawal by the Registrar’s Office determines the amount of tuition charges potentially eligible for a prorated refund.

Tuition refunds will be calculated on a pro-rated basis respective to the day of withdrawal and applies to students withdrawing voluntarily, as well as students who are dismissed from the University for academic, disciplinary, financial reasons or for non-attendance according to the attendance policy. The pro rata refund shall be no less than the total amount owed by the student for the portion of the educational program the student attended regardless of the fund source the student is using to pay for tuition. The pro-rata refund will be determined by the number of calendar days a student completes in the semester/term, divided by the total calendar days of the semester/term. If this amount is less than or equal to 60%, then the student is due a prorated refund equal to the difference of 100% of total tuition charged and the total percentage completed. Pro-rated refunds pertain to the semester/term tuition charges only. No tuition charge reversals are made after the 60% point in the semester or term (payment period). Not registering for courses or ceasing to attend current courses is not considered a notification of withdrawal and may result in tuition and fees owed to the University.

New Students will receive a 100% reversal of tuition, less the Residential Orientation (RO) fee and the Residential Conference (RC) fee, if they notify the Registrar’s Office in writing that they are withdrawing from the program prior to the end of the Add/Drop period.

Students receiving Title IV funds are subject to the Return of Federal Funds policy regarding withdrawal and refunds. Any amount in excess of the aid “earned” for the time period the student was enrolled must be returned to the federal aid program. Students who remain enrolled through at least 60% of the payment period are considered to have earned 100% of the aid they received. Returning Title IV funds could result in a balance owed to the University by the student. 

Withdrawal often results in a balance due to Saybrook University. Students should contact the Student Accounts Office to arrange payment for any balance owed. If the student is due a refund, all checks and/or direct deposits will be automatically issued.

Residential Conference Cancellation and Fee Refund

If a student notifies the Registrar’s Office that they will not be attending the RC more than 30 days before the start of the RC, they are entitled to a full reversal of the RC fee. Between 30 and 15 days of the start of the RC, the RC fee will be reversed and a RC late cancellation fee of $650 will be invoiced. Students who notify the Registrar’s Office that they will not be attending less than 15 days prior to the RC are not entitled to a reversal and will be responsible for the full Residential Conference Fee. 

Withdrawal often results in a balance due to Saybrook University. Students should contact the Student Accounts Office to arrange payment for any balance owed. If the student is due a refund, all checks and/or direct deposits will be automatically issued.

Enrollment Status for Financial Aid Eligibility

Saybrook University has established minimum credit hour thresholds for determining full-time and half-time enrollment status.  The reported enrollment status for the three enrollment periods (fall, spring and summer) is determined as follows: 

Enrolled Credits

Enrollment Status


Full Time

3 - 5

Half Time

2 or less

Less Than Half Time


Furthermore, a student enrolled in dissertation will be reported at a full-time enrollment status.

Students sponsored in F-1 status must maintain full-time enrollment in order to maintain non-immigrant status. To maintain non-immigrant status, International students should discuss any less-than full-time enrollment plans with their Designated School Official (DSO).

Maximum Course Load

In an effort to support student success, Saybrook University limits all students to a maximum course load of 15 credits per 16-week semester and 9 credits per 8-week term.

Students seeking to enroll in more than the above-listed credit totals must submit a Maximum Credit Load Increase to the Office of the Registrar. Appeals will be reviewed by the Registrar, Department Chair and Dean of Students.

Students are encouraged to first discuss thier intended course load and schedule with thier Department Chair and Dean of Students.

Minimum Course Load

Saybrook University is committed to supporting students and ensuring they graduate in a timely manner which requires that students register for a minimum number of credits each semester. In order to achieve degree completion in a reasonable timeframe Saybrook requires all degree-seeking students, with the exception of students in the PhD Clinical Psychology program, to enroll in a minimum of 6 credits during both the Fall and Spring semesters. Students in the PhD Clinical Psychology program are required to register for a minimum of 9 credits during both the Fall and Spring semesters. The only stated exception to this policy is the summer term where students can take fewer credits without written approval.

Reduced Course Load

Under certain specific circumstances (e.g. severe health circumstances, satisfying final degree requirement, etc.), a student can obtain approval for a reduced course load by written petition. Petitions for a reduced course load must be submitted in writing to the Registrar’s Office prior to the start of the semester and, if approved, the reduction in course load is valid for that upcoming semester only.

Financial Aid Refunds

Once loans have been disbursed to Saybrook University, and the student is enrolled in the minimum number of credits to maintain financial aid eligibility, the Student Accounts Office will apply them to the tuition and fees balance owed.

Any amount in excess of the balance owed will be refunded to the student. In accordance with federal regulation, these refunds will be sent automatically to the student within 14 days of the credit balance appearing on the student’s account.

Refund disbursements are available via direct deposit to a designated bank account by submitting a completed Direct Deposit Authorization Form with a voided check to the Student Account Office. If no direct deposit information is provided, refund checks will be mailed to the student’s address currently on file. To expedite this process, please make sure all information is current at least two weeks before the start of the semester.

Financial Aid Eligibility

To be eligible for State or Federal assistance under Title IV of the Higher Education Act, a student must satisfy all of the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled as a regular student
  • Have a High School Diploma or GED and a Bachelor’s Degree
  • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a degree program at Saybrook University
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Have a valid Social Security Number
  • Have demonstrated financial need as determined through completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) prior to being awarded need-based financial aid.
  • No need must be shown to receive non-need based financial aid (Unsubsidized Stafford Loans and Federal GradPlus Loans). However, all applicants must file a FAFSA.
  • Be making satisfactory academic progress toward completion of the degree program as defined by Saybrook standards and practices**
  • Not be in default on a federal student loan
  • Not have borrowed in excess of the aggregate loan limits allowed for the federal loan programs unless the excess amount has been repaid or a satisfactory payment arrangement has been made
  • Not owe a refund on a Pell or SEOG grant at any institution attended
  • Be registered for the Selective Service (if a male born after January 1, 1960)
  • Cannot have been convicted for the possession or sale of illegal drugs for an offense that occurred while you were receiving Federal Student Aid
  • Certify that you will use Federal Student Loans/Federal Direct Stafford Loans only for educational purposes.

How to Determine Need

Calculating the Amount to Borrow

Before you apply for financial aid, please read the following information.

Living Expenses

Your award letter will indicate the maximum amount of funds that you may be eligible to borrow. It is important that you determine the amount(s) you will need to pay for school and to assist with living expenses, if needed. You can then request up to the maximum amount listed on your award letter. Please note that financial aid programs are not intended to maintain a lifestyle nor are they intended to fund mortgages or credit card debts.

Reasonable living expense allowances are based on housing status and include rent, food, and utilities. To estimate your monthly income and expenses, try the Budget Calculator at the direct loan website to create your in-school student budget:

Cost of Attendance (COA)

The cost of education is the estimated amount you will need to cover costs related to attendance at Saybrook University for one academic year of study. The academic year is defined as two consecutive semesters of enrollment. The standard budget is constructed by using basic costs of living plus tuition and fees for your particular program of study.

Determining Your Financial Aid Package

The financial aid package is based on the expected family contribution (EFC) of both the student and spouse’s resources. This amount is determined by a financial needs assessment, which looks at assets, income, family size, and number of family members in college. The student’s financial need is the difference between the costs of education minus the expected family contribution.

Once the financial need is determined, the student’s financial aid package is produced; your package might include Federal Direct Loans, Federal Work Study, and/or Saybrook Scholarships or tuition assistance.

We encourage all students to apply for non-institutional scholarships and benefits. We will accept any outside resources. To get some ideas for resources, visit Other Scholarship Sources.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

To apply for federal aid, complete the FAFSA® (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) online at  Applying online is the quickest and easiest method of application.

Important Notes

Be sure to enter Saybrook University’s school code: G21206.

You must apply annually by filing the FAFSA or Renewal FAFSA. You must maintain your eligibility throughout your time at Saybrook.

We recommend that you complete your financial aid application at the time of Application to Saybrook and no later than 90 days prior to the beginning of the relevant semester of enrollment.

If you are selected for verification, you are required to submit certain documentation as requested in writing from the Saybrook Financial Aid office.

Apply for a FSA ID

An FSA ID allows students to complete the following tasks:

  • Electronically sign your FAFSA application, dramatically decreasing the processing time
  • Make online corrections to your FAFSA
  • Access your Student Aid Report
  • Access your federal student aid records online, including your student loan history information on the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) at

Helpful Links

Federal Student Aid, an Office of the U.S. Dept. of Education provides support and information about submitting a FAFSA in order to apply for grants, loans, and work-study funds (if applicable). To access these resources, please visit:

Institutional Scholarships

Saybrook’s Presidential Scholarship

All admitted students are eligible to be considered for the Saybrook University Presidential Scholarships. In order to maintain eligibility, students must be in good academic standing, meet all criteria with respect to Satisfactory Academic progress, and be in continuous full-time enrollment (except for summer awards).   

The President’s Academic Excellence Scholarship is awarded based on superior academic and/or professional merit and a minimum GPA of 3.75. ($4,000-$5,000 per semester) 

The President’s Academic Honors Scholarship is awarded based on outstanding academic merit and/or high financial need and a GPA between 3.5-3.74.  ($2,500-$3,500 per semester) 

The President’s Academic Recognition Scholarship is awarded based on high academic merit and/or moderately high financial need and a GPA between 3.25-3.49. ($1,500-2,000 per semester)

The President’s Scholarship is awarded based on moderately high academic merit and/or moderate financial need and a GPA between 3.0-3.24. ($500-$1,000 per semester).

Rollo May Scholarship

Each year Saybrook University awards the Rollo May Scholarship of $5000, as established by the generosity of our donors.  This one-time scholarship is awarded to a Saybrook student whose graduate work explicitly applies and extends the existential-humanistic contributions of Rollo May. Such student work may include scholarship in the areas of personality theory, psychotherapy, art and literature, cultural criticism, existential encounters, or other topics which the student clearly connects to the Rollo May tradition. To be eligible for consideration, students must be enrolled full-time and in good academic standing. The award is applied directly to the recipient’s student account in the semester after the scholarship is awarded. Students will be notified of the submission deadline and guidelines in advance.

Outside Scholarship

Scholarship Search Services





Federal Student Aid and Office of the U.S. Department of Education:

U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy, Disability Resources:

Open Education Database:

Loan Types

The following information provides links to help prospective students learn about loans available to those who qualify. Please utilize these sites and contact Saybrook’s Financial Aid Staff for further assistance: email or phone 888-253-5100 option 1.

Federal Loans

For an overview of federal loans, please visit Federal Student Aid’s Loans page.

Loans for International Students

Some privately funded student loans, such as those provided by eduPASS are available to non-US citizens provided there is a credit-worthy co- signer who is a US citizen or permanent resident.

Canadian students may use both the Canada and provincial loan programs to fund their education at Saybrook. For information on the Canada Loan program, please visit the International Student Loan website or the Student Aid website

Veterans Benefits

Use your GI Bill® Benefits at Saybrook

Saybrook University is approved by the Washington Student Achievement Council.  The Washington and California Councils have approved most of Saybrook’s schools and programs to administer educational benefits for eligible students through independent study provisions of the Veterans Administration. Programs delivered in both Oakland, CA and Seattle, WA qualify for Veteran’s Benefits.

Veterans interested in using their benefits are encouraged to begin the application process at least three months before enrollment.

VA Benefits Eligibility

Veterans who have served at least 90 days of active duty service after September 10, 2001 and received an honorable discharge may qualify for the Post 9/11 GI Bill. For those who served on active duty after 9/10/2001, see the VA website for more information.

VA Benefits Enrollment Verification

Saybrook University’s Registrar’s office will verify your enrollment and submit the necessary enrollment certification provided that you have already registered for your courses.

Yellow Ribbon Program

Chapter 33 students with 100% entitlement are eligible to participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program. This program is a supplement to the Post 9/11 GI Bill that helps veterans bridge the gap between the Post 9/11 tuition benefit and the actual cost of tuition and fees. Students currently on Active Duty are not eligible to participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program.

At Saybrook University, the Yellow Ribbon Program provides students up to $6,000 additional tuition dollars per year ($3,000 from Saybrook and $3,000 matching funds from VA). The exact amount of Yellow Ribbon dollars received is based on the student’s tuition and fees balance after Chapter 33 benefits and some institutional aid are applied.

Currently Saybrook provides Yellow Ribbon funds to an unlimited number of qualified students. The university will review its Yellow Ribbon commitment each year. Participation levels may vary in future years.

Yellow Ribbon Eligibility Requirements

Individuals entitled to the maximum benefit rate (based on service requirements) may receive this funding. You may be eligible if you:

  • Have served an aggregate period of active duty after September 10, 2001, of at least 36 months;
  • Were honorably discharged from active duty for a service connected disability and served 30 continuous days after September 10, 2001;
  • Are a dependent eligible for Transfer of Entitlement under the Post - 9/11 GI Bill based on a veteran’s service under the eligibility criteria listed above.

There is no minimum number of credit hours required for participation and awards will continue in subsequent years in which the student maintains satisfactory progress, conduct and attendance.

Application Process

  • Step 1: If eligible, students should apply for benefits under the Post - 9/11 GI Bill with the Department of Veteran Affairs online at Students that have previously used VA Educational Benefits at a previous school must complete form 1995 online at
  • Step 2: Forward a copy of Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of the Registrar at

Saybrook University also works with veterans receiving benefits under the Montgomery GI Bill, Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP), Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA), and Vocational Rehabilitation.

For additional information, visit the Department of Veterans Affairs website or the Yellow Ribbon Program FAQ.

Online Resources

The Montgomery GI Bill offers resources for veterans to assist with educational costs. Please go to for-benefits/ for more information or to have a form mailed to you. Or call 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551).

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Special Tuition Rates/Institutional Waivers/Alumni Tuition Waiver

The Saybrook University Alumni Tuition Waiver supports alumni who have graduated with a masters or doctoral degree and desire additional coursework to further enhance their personal or professional goals. Alumni who have earned their degree from Saybrook within the past 3 years are eligible for the Alumni Tuition Waiver.  The Alumni Tuition Waiver is a one-time waiver on tuition only for up to three (3) credits during a single semester.  Students are responsible for all other fees and costs charged for enrollment. 

Effective Spring 2018, the Alumni Tuition Waiver may also be applied to tuition in a Saybrook-sponsored study abroad experience on a first-come, first-serve basis as space allows. 

Alumni Tuition Rate

The Saybrook University Alumni Tuition Rate supports alumni who have graduated with a terminal masters or doctoral degree and desire additional coursework to further enhance their personal or professional goals. The Saybrook University Alumni Tuition Rate is only applicable to courses taken as part of a non-degree program (Student-At-Large). The Saybrook University Alumni Tuition Rate is not available to students who earn a nested master’s degree while enrolled in an applicable doctoral program.

The Alumni Tuition Rate is determined for each academic year and is applied to tuition charges only. Students are responsible for all other fees and costs charged for enrollment. Details on the Saybrook University Alumni Tuition Discount can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar (

Segal AmeriCorps Matching Grant

As part of its commitment to foster positive transformative change on an individual, organizational and community level, Saybrook University is proud to offer a Segal AmeriCorps Matching Grant to qualified AmeriCorps students.

This award will provide a 100% dollar-for-dollar match up to a lifetime maximum of $4,000. Students must be admitted to Saybrook, attending on a full-time basis, and submit a copy of their voucher prior to being awarded a Segal AmeriCorps Matching Grant.


Federal Work-Study Program

The Federal Work Study (FWS) Program subsidizes employment for students with financial need. The program encourages community service and work related to your course of study.

Your hourly wage is set by Saybrook as your employer; it may vary depending on the responsibilities of your position. Your total work-study award is based on financial need and available funding. Student employees are paid bi-monthly.

Students are not permitted to work more than 10 hours per week during periods of enrollment. Please note that international students and students who are not U.S. citizens may not be eligible for aid. Students must confer with the financial aid office to confirm eligibility prior to accepting a position.

To find out if you are eligible for federal work-study, please contact the financial aid office at For questions regarding job announcements and hiring forums, contact Connie Shulman, Human Resource Director, at

Constitution Day

Rights and Responsibilities

When you obtain a federal student loan you have certain Borrower’s Rights and Responsibilities.

Borrower’s Rights

You have the right:

  1. To know what financial aid programs are available at your school.
  2. To know the deadline for submitting applications for each available program.
  3. To know how financial aid will be distributed, how decisions are made and the basis for these decisions.
  4. To know how your financial need was determined. This includes how costs for tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, travel, personal and miscellaneous expenses, etc., are considered in your budget.
  5. To know how much of your financial need had been met as determined by the financial aid advisor at the school or college. To know what resources (other financial aid, your assets, etc.) were considered in the calculation of your need.
  6. To know what portion of the financial aid you received must be repaid, and what portion is grant aid. If the aid is a loan, you have the right to know what the interest rate is, the total amount that must be repaid, the repayment procedures, the length of time you have to repay the loan, and when repayment is to begin. Under the Federal Stafford Loan program if you cannot meet the repayment schedule, you may request that the loan payments be reduced for a specific period of time if it will assist you in avoiding default.
  7. To know how the school determines whether you are making satisfactory progress and what happens if you are not. To request an explanation of the various programs in your student aid package.
  8. To know campus security policies and crime statistics.

Borrowers’ Responsibilities: You are obligated:

  1. To complete all application forms accurately and submit them on time to the right place.
  2. To provide correct information. In most instances, misreporting information on financial aid applications is a violation of law and may be considered a criminal offense.
  3. To return all documentation, verification, corrections, and/or new information requested by either the Financial Aid Office or the agency to which you submitted your application.
  4. If you borrow a federal loan, think about how much you’re borrowing borrow wisely!
  5. To use any federal, state-appropriated, or institutional financial aid received during the award year solely for expenses related to attendance at Saybrook University.
  6. To read and understand all forms that you are asked to sign and to keep copies of them. To accept responsibility for all the arrangements that you sign.
  7. Be enrolled at least halftime as a regular student. Students admitted on provisional or conditional status will be given a defined period of eligibility (usually one year) to achieve regular admission. Your Provisional and or Conditional Acceptance require that you adhere to the stipulations listed on your Saybrook University Admissions Acceptance Letter.
  8. To perform the work that is agreed upon in accepting a Federal Work-Study award before you receive payment. To be aware of your school’s refund procedures.
  9. To repay your student loans, even if you don’t complete your education, can’t get a job, or aren’t happy with your education. To maintain up-to-date address and telephone information with the Registrar’s Office.

All schools must provide information to prospective students about the school’s programs and performance. You should consider this information carefully before deciding to attend a school. As a recipient of a Federal Stafford Student Loan, you must notify the lender if any of the following occur before the loan is repaid: if you change your address, Graduate, Withdraw from school or attend less than half-time status, change your name, and/or transfer to another school. Request a deferment or forbearance, or change repayment plans if you’re having trouble making your monthly payments.

The Borrower’s Rights and Responsibilities Statement provides information about the terms and consideration of the loans you received under the accompanying Master Promissory Note (MPN) for Federal Direct Stafford/Ford Loans (Direct Subsidized Loans) and Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford Loans (Direct Unsubsidized Loans). You can view the document here:

Financial Appeals Committee Process and Guidelines

When students enroll at Saybrook University, they are aware of the costs they will incur and the financial aid available to them. Before enrolling, students should understand their financial obligations for the duration of their degree program.

A student who can document that extenuating life circumstances or changes adversely affected the ability to pay tuition for a specific academic year can file a financial appeal with the Financial Appeals Committee. The appeal letter outlining your circumstances including the Appeal Form and appropriate additional documentation, must be submitted via email to If no supporting documentation is provided or the form is incomplete, an appeal will not be reviewed.

Students may only submit one appeal per academic year. No appeals will be reviewed from students who have submitted appeals within the current academic year. Currently enrolled students may not submit an appeal for a semester prior to the current academic year. Appeals are based on the following extenuating / unforeseen circumstances:

  • Death of an immediate family member which demonstrably impacts a student’s ability to pay tuition
  • Student required to take care of ill or disabled family member (student must provide documentation of illness or disability and need for continuing care)
  • Medical conditions that prevent the student from meeting financial obligation to the school
  • Involuntary change in employment or income beyond the student’s control  
  •  Natural disaster (request supported by documentation)

Tuition appeals will NOT be approved in the following instances:

  • Lack of knowledge or misinterpretation of Saybrook policies and procedures as published in the Catalog and on the Saybrook website
  • Student’s errors in judgment or irresponsibility involving availability of finances, academic ability, or time management
  • Dissatisfaction with course content or delivery of instruction
  • Dissatisfaction with academic progress in course
  • Appeals of non-refundable fees
  • Loss of financial aid, grants or scholarships due to lack of satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Please refer to the SAP guidelines for appeal.
  • Non-receipt of mail or email due to obsolete address on file with the registrar or financial aid
  • Student errors resulting in the delay of administrative processes relative to registration or delivery of financial aid funds
  • Awarded up to Financial Aid cost of attendance (please check with the financial aid office if you are unsure)

Domestic Students: Currently enrolled domestic students should contact the financial aid office to determine if they have any additional financial aid eligibility.

International Students: International students wishing to appeal for institutional aid should consult with the Director of Admissions for the appropriate course of action. Institutional aid for international students is fully allocated each year at the time of admission; therefore, only very limited additional resources are made available to meet extraordinary circumstances. Serious consideration is only given when there has been a significant life-changing event. See above for appeal circumstances.

Process to Submit an Appeal

When an appeal is submitted, the Financial Appeals Committee conducts a review. The committee meets at a minimum of once per month. Appeals must be emailed to .  A response will be provided within 15 business days of receipt of the appeal. The decision of the Financial Appeals Committee is final in all cases.

The Financial Appeals Committee is chaired by the VP of Enrollment Management and includes the Dean of Students, the Associate Provost, and the Registrar.