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    Saybrook University
  Mar 31, 2025
2018-2019 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook 
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2018-2019 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook [Archived Catalog]

College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences

The College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences (CIMHS) is dedicated to promoting interdisciplinary modalities that enhance optimal health and wellbeing for individuals and communities.  Influenced by humanistic principles and values, faculty and students are empowered to apply their knowledge and skills to facilitate mind, body, spirit wellness in personal and professional life.  Recognizing the importance of collaborative, person-centered care strategies, CIMHS embraces an educational model that endorses a range of health-related disciplines, scholarship, evidence-based practices and skill development.

CIMHS offers MA, MS, and PhD graduate degrees and certificate programs in Mind-Body Medicine, Integrative and Functional Nutrition, Integrative Wellness Coaching, and Psychophysiology. These academic programs combine a cutting-edge curriculum with a university-wide emphasis on student-centered learning and faculty engagement. Several faculty members are world-renowned scholar-practitioners who offer mentorship, edit industry publications, lead professional associations, direct community health centers, conduct research, and develop protocols for treatments that support and complement those based on conventional, Western medicine.

The master’s degrees and doctoral specializations are designed for professionals from diverse career fields who wish to expand their expertise in health and wellness, practice, consult teach, or conduct research in health and wellness. In addition, CIMHS students may select a minor or specialization to their general degree requirements if they are interested in extending their knowledge or skill set in a specific discipline. The MA and MS minors and PhD specializations include:

MA Integrative Wellness Coaching
  • Minor in Integrative and Functional Nutrition
  • Minor in Mind-Body Medicine
MS Integrative and Functional Nutrition
  • Minor in Integrative Wellness Coaching
  • Minor in Mind-Body Medicine
MS Mind-Body Medicine
  • Minor in Integrative Wellness Coaching
  • Minor in Integrative and Functional Nutrition
MS Psychophysiology
PhD in Mind-Body Medicine
  • Specialization in Mindful Leadership in Healthcare
  • Specialization in Integrative Mental Health
  • Specialization in Integrative Wellness Coaching
  • Specialization in Applied Psychophysiology
  • Specialization in Integrative and Functional Nutrition
PhD in Applied Psychophysiology
  • Specialization in Clinical Psychophysiology
  • Specialization in Optimal Functioning

Across degrees and specializations, students in the College are introduced to trends affecting the healthcare system and evidence-based approaches known to optimize health and wellness outcomes.

Distance Learning Model

The majority of the coursework is conducted online and at a distance, so students can live and work anywhere in the world as they engage with CIMHS faculty and peers. Classes incorporate a variety of instructional and assessment methods including asynchronous discussion forums, live videoconferences, interactive web-based activities, and written assignments. In addition, there are two residential conferences per academic year. These residential conferences are held in January (the start of spring semester) and August (the start of fall semester).

Courses for graduate degrees in the CIMHS are offered during three semesters each year: fall, spring, and summer. Fall and spring semesters each have two 8-week terms (A and B); the summer semester has only one 8-week term.

Residential Orientation and Residential Conference

In the fall and spring semesters, new students enrolled in the Mind-Body Medicine, the Psychophysiology, and the Integrative Wellness Coaching degree programs are required to attend a one-day Residential Orientation (RO) immediately followed by a five-day Residential Conference (RC). During the RO, new students are introduced to Saybook University’s administrative staff, faculty, current students, and university-wide policies.  There are workshops to review technology, student services, library databases, and more.  During the college-wide orientation on day two, the department chairs and core faculty team introduce program requirements, offer advising, and discuss academic expectations and other related topics.  The final four days includes an experiential “mind-body-spirit integration seminar.”  A full description of the seminar can be found in the Course Description section.  

The number of required RCs for continuing students varies by degree program and selected coursework. Review the degree program requirements for more information about the RCs.

The dates of the RO and RC appear in the College’s academic calendar.

Virtual Community in Nutrition

Students in the Master of Science in Integrative and Functional Nutrition participate in a semester-long Virtual Community in Nutrition that helps orient them to Saybrook University and the Integrative and Functional Nutrition program. While participating in this distance-taught course, students will interact with faculty and classmates to establish a sense of community and develop best practices for academic success while learning about topics in Integrative and Functional Nutrition. This course is required in place of the RO and RC for all Master of Science in Integrative and Functional Nutrition Students. Students may opt to participate in the RC, in addition to this course, if they choose.