CS 4535 - The Use of Poetry with Death, Loss, and Life TransitionThe creative arts are often used to assist people facing death, loss, and other important life transitions. Similarly, these life events often cause individuals to reflect upon the meaning in their life and seek to create new meaning, which can be aided by poetry and the creative arts. This course focuses on the use of poetry when encountering death, loss, and life transitions. Students are encouraged to reflect upon their own use of creativity in times of difficult life transitions. Additionally, students will explore ways to facilitate the use of poetry with others facing life transitions. Poems from various cultural backgrounds are considered. Though open to all students, this course also satisfies the Clinical Interventions III/IV requirement in the Clinical Psychology degree program, with Clinical Interventions I & II as prerequisites. Cross-listed with EHTP 4535 and PSY 4535. 3 credit(s) |
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