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  Oct 25, 2024
2016-2017 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook 
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2016-2017 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook [Archived Catalog]

Academic and School Policies

Student Code Of Conduct Preamble

The conduct of the students of Saybrook University shall reflect the humanistic values upon which Saybrook was founded and to which it remains committed.

The Student Code of Conduct (SCC) and the procedures it includes are intended to provide a means by which Saybrook can take appropriate actions, if necessary, to protect its interests as both an educational institution and corporate entity responsible to the large society of which it is a part.

  1. Policy and Code of Conduct
    Saybrook strives to maintain a learning community characterized by intentional behaviors and interactions that reflect and value the personal integrity of each member of the community, common civility, and the active mutual respect by each individual member of the community toward every other, including specifically, diversity of opinions and beliefs. A student’s conduct at Saybrook, or in direct connection with any community activity sponsored by Saybrook, violates this policy whenever it:
    1. May threaten the health, safety, or security of any member of the Saybrook community, including the person who may be engaged in the violation. This includes but is not limited to sale or knowing possession of illegal drugs or narcotics; possession or use of explosives or deadly weapons or other weapons or other violation; or
    2. Constitutes violation of the policies set forth in this section of the catalog related to plagiarism and sexual and other unlawful harassment (see below), and Institutional and Legal Policies related to non-discrimination and drug-free policies; or
    3. Constitutes an overt attempt to intimidate, offend or demonstrate hostility towards others that exceeds civil expressions of difference; or
    4. Constitutes a gross breach of the highest professional and ethical standards of conduct and of standards of intellectual honesty and academic scholarship. Such misconduct includes any form of cheating or plagiarism, or any attempt to obtain credit for academic work through fraudulent, deceptive, or dishonest means (see below). Students are expected to be the sole authors of their essays and dissertations and the sole creators of original concepts expressed in them; or
    5. Interferes, or seriously threatens to interfere, with Saybrook-related activity of any student or member of the faculty, administration, staff or Board of Trustees of Saybrook. This includes physical abuse, misappropriation of or destruction of property; or
    6. Violates, or seriously threatens to violate, any federal, state, or local law in the course of a Saybrook activity; or
    7. Intentionally violates institutional policies, or fails to comply with the authorized requests or directives of members of the Saybrook administration acting in their official capacity; or
    8. Solicits or assists another to perform an act which violates this Policy.
  2. Procedures
    1. Administration. This Student Code of Conduct (SCC) is administered by the Director for Student Success of the University.
    2. Initiation of Complaint. Any member of the Saybrook community may register a complaint of SCC violation with the Director for Student Success. Note that the complaint procedure below does not apply to allegations of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking, or to unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation on the basis of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, which are addressed in the Sexual Misconduct Policy. Complaints of harassment, discrimination or retaliation on other bases (other than sex/gender as described above) shall initially follow the procedure for Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment and/or Retaliation on other Bases as outlined in this catalog. However, if such a complaint against a student of Saybrook is determined to be valid, said complaint shall also be referred to the Director for Student Success for consideration of discipline for violation of the SCC.  The Director for Student Success officer may also, at his or her own initiative, initiate an inquiry into possible violations of the SCC.

    3. Filing a Complaint. A complaint of violation of the SCC shall be filed with the Director for Student Success in writing, either by letter or e-mail summarizing the violations and related facts. The complaint statement should include: (1) the name of the complainant; (2) the name of the person who is the object of the complaint; (3) the date or dates on which the alleged incident took place; (4) the place or places where the alleged incident took place; (5) a statement describing the alleged incident and any sections of the SCC allegedly violated; (6) the names of any witnesses to the alleged incident; (7) a one-sentence statement of the remedy sought by the complainant; and (8) the signature of the complainant together with the date when the complaint is filed. The Director of Students Affairs will prepare the complaint himself/herself when he/she initiates the inquiry. 

    4. Review Complaint and Determination by the Director for Student Success.

      If the Director for Student Success has a conflict of interest due to the nature of the complaint or the accused student’s disciplinary history, the complaint will be referred to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs or his/her designee (“Designee”) for review and determination.   A copy of the complaint may, at the discretion of the Director for Student Success or Designee, be provided to the person(s) against whom the complaint is made.

      Upon an initial determination by the Director for Student Success, based upon his or her own informal inquiries and investigation, that the SCC may have been violated or has been violated, the Director for Student Success in consultation with others, as may be appropriate, will decide whether the matter may best be resolved informally (with or without the assistance of others), or whether it warrants formal consideration and action. It may be necessary for the Director for Student Success or designee to consult witnesses or the complainant to determine the correct course of action.

      1. The Director for Student Success shall investigate the SCC complaint and determine its validity, determine the nature of the violation, and determine the resolution. That resolution may occur informally or through formal consideration by the review panel. The Director for Student Success may impose formal disciplinary sanctions up to, and including probationary status.
      2. Interim Suspension. In extreme circumstances, the Director for Student Success may ban a student believed to pose a significant risk to the safety of other students, faculty or community members from school events and/or programs; such a ban would restrict the individual’s ability to enter school property for an indefinite amount of time until the matter can be thoroughly investigated and a final disposition can be rendered.  A student may be restricted from school property or school events or disciplined for improper or illegal conduct whether it occurs on or off-campus (including cyberspace), and regardless of whether the conduct is specifically tied to a school activity.  
    5. Review Panel. At his or her discretion, the Director for Student Success may determine a matter warrants formal consideration and action, even if informal resolution has been attempted. In such cases, the Director for Student Success will convene a formal Review Panel chaired by the Director for Student Success or designee. The Review Panel shall consist of three members of the Saybrook community who have been trained to review alleged violations of the SCC. Its membership shall be approved by the Director for Student Success of the University. The Review shall be charged with formal determination of, report upon, and recommended action regarding the alleged violation. The Review Panel shall be convened in matters where suspension and/or exclusion or dismissal and expulsion may be considered (except when emergency action is necessary). The Review Panel shall be convened within ten (10) business days of the determination by the Director or Designee that a Review Panel is warranted.   
    6. Review Panel Proceedings. The Review Panel is responsible to review the complaint with the respondent, to investigate the allegations in the  complaint and to discuss options for resolving the complaint. The respondent is the student accused of violating the SCC. If the respondent has reason to believe that a member of the Review Panel may be unable to be impartial, the respondent may request that the Director disqualify that member from the Review Panel. Only the Director or Designee may grant a request for disqualification, and his/her decision in such matters is final.   

      The Director for Student Success will send a notice to the respondent that the matter has been referred to a Review Panel.  The notice shall include a summary of the allegations, the provisions of the SCC alleged to have been violated and a copy of the complaint, the members of the Review Panel, the date and time of the Review Panel proceedings, and a description of the proceedings, including the possible sanctions that may be imposed.  The respondent shall also be notified of his/her right to have a support person of his or her choice, other than an attorney, present at the Review Panel proceedings with him/her. The respondent has the right to respond in writing to the allegations, and if he/she decides to do so, must submit the written response at least two (2) business days prior to the Review Panel proceedings.  The respondent will be provided at least five (5) business days’ notice of the date of the Review Panel proceedings, except in an emergency. 

      Where considerations of time, travel, distance, or like circumstances prohibit personal appearance by a respondent, a telephone conference may, at the discretion of the Director for Student Success, be substituted. If a student declines to participate by telephone in any Review Panel proceeding where such participation is found to be reasonably necessary by the Saybrook official conducting the proceeding, the student shall have waived his or her right to personally participate in the hearing

Review Panel Proceedings

  1. The Director for Student Success or Designee will summarize the alleged violations of the SCC and notify respondent of the process to be followed during the proceedings.
  2. The Review Panel will conduct any interviews of witnesses who are present in person or by telephone.
  3. The Director for Student Success will ask the respondent to respond to the complaint, and will note the respondent’s comments.
  4. The Review Panel will ask clarifying questions of witnesses and/or the respondent to gather pertinent evidence.
  5. In cases where a respondent does not appear after proper notice or does not provide justifiable reasons for nonappearance, a decision will be rendered in the absence of the respondent. In this circumstance, the respondent may not appeal on the grounds that he/she has additional evidence that was not available at the time of the proceeding.
  6. Once the Review Panel completes its proceedings, including review of the complaint and any other pertinent documentation and interviewing the respondent and any witnesses or other members of the Saybrook community it deems appropriate, it shall render a decision. Such decision will be made within 30 days of the convening of the Review Panel, except in extenuating circumstances.  If the Review Panel determines that a preponderance of evidence indicates that the respondent is responsible for violating Saybrook’s SCC, the Review Panel will then issue appropriate sanctions to the respondent through a letter of sanction.
  7. The Director for Student Success will send notice of the Review Panel’s decision in writing to the respondent within ten (10) business days of the hearing. Instructions on filing an appeal will be provided to the respondent in writing. The respondent will also be informed in writing if the Review Panel determines that he/she is not responsible for any violation of the SCC.
  8. The Respondent may appeal the decision according to the standards outlined in the Appeal Procedure section of the handbook below.
  9.  A student who withdraws from Saybrook while Review Panel proceedings are pending shall not be permitted to register again until the student’s case has been adjudicated.

Students should note that disciplinary action may be taken, and sanctions may be enacted, if they fail to participate in the Review Panel proceeding.

In cases that involve an interim suspension as described above,, the Director for Student Success and/or Vice President of Enrollment Management maintains the right to continue or initiate an interim suspension, pending the outcome of the Review Panel proceedings and any subsequent appeal.

All communication, including notices and the letter of sanctions, will be transmitted through the student’s Saybrook email address. 

Appeal Procedure

A respondent has the right to submit a written appeal of the Review Panel’s or Director’s decision to the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs within ten (10) business days of being notified of the decision.  The written appeal must include: 

  1. A statement of the decision that the respondent wishes to appeal;
  2. All information that the respondent is asking the Provost to consider; and
  3. The basis for the appeal.  All appeals must be based on one or more of the following:

  • (1) substantial and prejudicial failure to follow procedures; (2) evidence that the sanction was unduly severe; (3) new evidence or arguments that were not available at the time of the review Panel proceedings. Late appeals will not be considered. The Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs may leave the original sanction intact, reverse the original decision or sanction, or modify the original sanction or send the matter back to the Director or Review Panel for further review. The decision of the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs is final. Notice of the outcome of appeals will be sent to the student within five (5) business days of receipt of the written letter of appeal. In most cases, students who are appealing their sanction(s) will not be subject to the imposed sanction until their appeal has been resolved.

Disciplinary Sanctions

Any student or students found by the Director for Student Success (individually or on the findings of a Review Panel) to have violated any of the provisions of the SCC may be subject to the following disciplinary actions:

  1. Verbal or written warning that future misconduct may result in further or more severe disciplinary action.
  2. Disciplinary probation: the student may remain at Saybrook on the condition of demonstrated behavior that is acceptable to Saybrook within a specified period of time.
  3. Educational: a student is required to complete an educational activity, such as attending a workshop, completing an online training module, writing a reflection paper, etc.
  4. Restitution: requirements to perform community service or make payments to Saybrook or to other individuals, groups, or organizations for damages incurred as a result of a violation.
  5. Interim suspension: temporary separation between the student and Saybrook in circumstances that threaten the safety and well-being of any member of the Saybrook community, threaten the preservation of Saybrook property, or threaten to disrupt the normal operations of Saybrook.
  6. Suspension: loss of student status for a specified time with resultant loss of all student rights and privileges. A suspended student will be required to leave campus and not be permitted to return until the time of the suspension is elapsed. A suspended student will lose credit for subjects carried that semester and fees and tuition will be forfeited according to the normal withdrawal policy. The disciplinary action will be recorded on the transcript. A student may be dismissed during such a suspension if the conditions of the suspension are violated.
  7. Dismissal: permanent termination of student status. Notification of dismissal will appear on the transcript and the student will be barred from all Saybrook properties, including, but not limited to the Residential Conference site(s).


Academic Policies and Processes


All new students are registered by the Office of the Registrar.  In subsequent semesters students either self-register or are registered by the Office of the Registrar, depending on their program.

Self-Registration Programs:

  • M.A. Management
  • M.A. Psychology
    • Includes the following specializations: Consciousness, Spirituality, and Integrative Health (CSIH), Existential, Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology (EHTP), Creativity Studies (CS)
  • Ph.D. Organizational Systems
  • Ph.D. Psychology
    • Includes all specializations: Consciousness, Spirituality, and Integrative Health (CSIH), Existential, Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology (EHTP), Creativity Studies (CS), Psychophysiology, and the Clinical Psychology Specialization (Ph.D. Psychology, Clinical Psychology Specialization)
  • Ph.D. Clinical Psychology
  • M.A. Transformative Social Change
  • Ph.D. Transformative Social Change
  • M.A. Counseling/M.A. Psychology
  • M.S. Integrative and Functional Nutrition
  • M.S. Mind-Body Medicine
  • Ph.D. Mind-Body Medicine
  • Psy.D. Psychology
  • Any/all non-degree students
    • This includes all non-degree seeking course students
    • This includes all certificate students

Programs That Do Not Self-Register:

  • M.A. Psychology, Counseling Specialization (Seattle)

University Credit Hour Policy

Saybrook grants academic credit using the semester credit hour system. A credit hour represents the basic building block of an academic program. It is defined as the reasonable amount of work expected to achieve student learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that reasonably approximates the achievement expected from not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and at least two hours of out of class student work each week for a sixteen-week term, or an equivalent amount of work over a term of a different length.

Student work leading to the award of credit hours may vary for courses that require online work, research, guided study, internships, practicum, and other academic work to achieve the identified student learning outcomes. In addition, student workload may vary based upon program expectations established by national or regional accrediting bodies.

Courses are developed by faculty subject matter experts to ensure that the work and engagement required of the student are reasonably equivalent to standard credit hours. Course developers are responsible for identifying the amount of work that is represented in intended learning outcomes established for the course and verified by student achievement. Student engagement may include online seminars, responses to forum entries, threaded discussions, meeting with mentors or advisors, and/or additional independent work in lieu of class time. The director and/or faculty of the program in question review course content to ensure meeting policy requirements. The ongoing assessment of course outcomes is used to verify that assignment of work set in the original course design is consistent with achievement of learning objectives.

Progressing in a Course

Programs of study at Saybrook University offer a variety of course delivery modes, using both online and residency models of study. The syllabus provides the details needed to understand how the course progresses and the expectation of students in each course. It also provides access to learning materials including supplemental readings. It is important that students consult these documents prior to beginning their courses.

Continuous Enrollment

All Saybrook students are required to maintain continuous enrollment from the time of their enrollment until degree completion. Continuous enrollment is defined as registration and attendance during each required semester/term of the academic year. Students are required to be continuously enrolled in at least half-time status to meet Saybrook’s continuous enrollment standards. Please refer to the Financial Aid and Payment Policies  section of this Catalog regarding minimum credit requirements for financial aid eligibility.

Continuous enrollment is required for all terms during which attendance is required; however, there are a few exceptions. Students in programs that do not require attendance during Summer terms will not be required to maintain enrollment during Summer, but will be expected to resume enrollment in Fall.  Students enrolled in non-credit bearing classes that fulfill degree requirements will be considered to be meeting continuous enrollment requirements. Students who transfer between programs are still expected to meet the requirements of this policy.

Students who are unable to register for any required semester/term can request a Leave of Absence for consideration of continuous enrollment. Please refer to the Leave of Absence Policy for additional information and requirements for taking a Leave of AbsenceStudents who do not meet the requirements above or are not on an approved Leave of Absence will be administratively withdrawn for non-compliance with the Continuous Enrollment policy.  Students who have been administratively withdrawn should refer to the Readmission Policy for additional information on resuming enrollment.

Any questions regarding the Continuous Enrollment policy should be referred to the Office of the Registrar.

Attendance Policy

Attendance, either through online postings or through physical attendance at a face-to-face educational session is critical for success in Saybrook’s hybrid, online and experiential courses.  Students are required to actively participate in all online discussion forums, on-site residential conferences, required supplementary academic sessions in the Residential Conferences, as well as online seminars and trainings on information use, academic writing, and research, as required by their course. 

Saybrook students demonstrate attendance in the following two ways: (1) A student must demonstrate attendance in each of his or her registered online courses by posting an academic activity in each course shell within the first week of the term and/or semester; or (2) At an RC or face-to-face educational session, students must physically sign in and register at the start of the event. They must be present throughout the event. They must also complete an evaluation and sign out at the end the event.  If these requirements are not met by the first week of the term or semester a student will be administratively withdrawn. 

Make-up work

Permission to make-up work missed is subject to the discretion of faculty.  Make-up work may not extend beyond the end of the term or semester, except where allowed by the Incomplete Grade Policy.

Course Completions and Evaluations

The instructor assigns the final grade at the end of the term or semester, and the grade is posted to the student’s official record.

  • Students will be offered the opportunity to complete a Course and Instructor Evaluation form at the end of each Semester. Evaluations of instructors are used in faculty review procedures and to guide improvements in Saybrook’s programs. All information from student evaluations of courses and instructors is used only in summary form across multiple student evaluations to assure the anonymity of student responses.

Grading Policy and System

Saybrook University employs two grading options for students with concomitant quality points, a pass/fail grading system and letter grades. Students must choose their grading option upon initial enrollment and may not change their chosen grading option. Credits are always awarded in semester credits.

Option 1 is Credit / No Credit

Code Description Quality Points
CR Credit.  Student work demonstrates competence 3.5
NC No Credit.  Student work did not demonstrate competence 2.5
W Withdrawn.  Student withdrew after the Add/Drop period but before the 75% point in the semester/term n/a
WNC Withdrawn.  Student withdrew from course after the 75% point in the semester/term 2.5
I Incomplete.  Work is satisfactory, but not completed within the semester.  The student is given additional time to submit work for the course.  A subsequent grade is pending n/a


Option 2 is Letter Grades

Code Description Quality Points
A Student work is Excellent 4.0
A- Student work is Very Good 3.7
B+ Student work is Good 3.3
B Student work is Satisfactory 3.0
C Student work is Unsatisfactory 2.0
W Withdrawn.  Student withdrew after the Add/Drop period but before the 75% point in the semester/term n/a
WF Withdrawn.  Student withdrew from course after the 75% point in the semester/term 2.0
I Incomplete.  Work is satisfactory, but not completed within the semester.  The student is given additional time to submit work for the course.  A subsequent grade is pending. n/a


Certain courses never have a letter grade and are not included in GPA calculations. These courses will receive a Pass or Not Pass (P/NP)

  • Comprehensive Exams
  • Culminating Masters Project
  • Thesis or Dissertation Research
  • Candidacy Qualifying Essays are given grades of CR or NC

Specific course names and numbers are specified on a per College or program basis, depending on the curriculum of the associated program.

Programs that do not provide a choice between grading options are as follows:

  • PsyD, doctoral program in psychology, which requires letter grades
  • Saybrook Seattle MA program which employs the following grade scale:
Code Description Quality Points
AC Achieved Competency 3.5
PC Partial Competency 0.0
F Failed to Attain Competency 0.0
W Withdrawn.  Student withdrew after the Add/Drop period but before the 75% point in the semester/term n/a
WF Withdrawn.  Student withdrew from course after the 75% point in the semester/term 0.0
I Incomplete.  Work is satisfactory, but not completed within the semester.  The student is given additional time to submit work for the course.  A subsequent grade is pending n/a


Add/ Drop Policies

CSS Students:
For the 2016-2017 Fall and Spring semesters, the Add/Drop period for Saybrook is two weeks from the first day of the semester. Please consult the academic calendar for the exact dates for adding, dropping, and withdrawing from classes. Any courses dropped during the add/drop period are 100% refunded and are not given a grade. Courses dropped after the Add/Drop period may be subject to the published refund policy. Any course dropped after the 12th week of the semester will be assigned a WNC/WF grade, depending on the grading scheme in effect for the course.

CIMHS Students:
For students enrolled in Mind-Body Medicine programs, the add/drop period is one week from the first day of the term. Any courses dropped during the add/drop period are 100% refunded and are not given a grade. Please consult the academic calendar for the exact dates for adding, dropping, and withdrawing from classes. Courses dropped after the Add/Drop period are subject to the published refund policy. Any course dropped after the 6th week of the semester will be assigned a WNC/WF grade, depending on the grading scheme in effect for the course.

Incomplete Grades

An Incomplete (“I”) Grade is a temporary grade which may be awarded by a course instructor/program director when extenuating circumstances beyond a student’s control prevent completion of course requirements by the end of the academic term. Incomplete grades are not considered passing for purposes of determining academic standing or federal financial aid eligibility.

Extenuating cimcumstances include, but are not limited to:

  • A death in the family
  • Medical hardship
  • Family Emergency
  • Natural disaster

To issue an Incomplete grade, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Students must be actively attending the course;
  2. Students must be passing the course;
  3. Students must have successfully completed at least 75% of course assignments; and
  4. Students must have an approved Petition for Incomplete Grade form.

Incomplete grades cannot be awarded for students who are not currently passing the course at the time of the request, nor awarded in place of a failing grade.  Incomplete grades cannot be used to remedy for an overloaded course schedule, to raise a grade, or to extend the time frame to meet the requirements for practicum/internship or dissertation-related courses.

Incomplete grades are considered to be attempted but not completed and may result in a student failing to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements (See Satisfactory Academic Progress Advisement). The I grade appears on grade reports and/or official transcripts until a final grade is determined and recorded.

To request an incomplete grade, students must submit a Petition for Incomplete Grade Form to their course instructor prior to the end of the semester/term.  The course instructor will discuss the remaining requirements with the student, indicate a deadline and submit the form to the Office of the Registrar. 

The form must include:

  • The reason(s) that the student cannot complete the remaining course requirements on time.
    • Upon request, the student may also need to provide documentation of the extenuating circumstances.
  • The course requirements/assignments that the student still needs to complete. 
  • Deadline for completion and submission of the remaining assignments to the instructor.  The deadline should match the amount of remaining assignments and cannot extend more than six (6) weeks from the last day of the semester.  Instructors may choose to require an earlier deadline, but cannot allow a later deadline.

The instructor will review the remaining assignments at the deadline and determine the student’s final grade.  They will submit a Change of Grade Form within two weeks to the Office of the Registrar, who will then update the student’s grade.  In the event that an instructor is not able to submit the Change of Grade Form, the Program Director or College Dean may submit the form on their behalf.

Once awarded an incomplete grade, it is the responsibility of the student to complete the additional assignments in a timely manner.  If additional assignments are not submitted for grading, and a Change of Grade Form is not submitted to the Office of the Registrar within the approved time frame, the Incomplete will be changed to a failing grade such as F, NC, or NP based on the course grade scale.  (See the Grade Scale for a full list of grades.)

Incomplete Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Advisement

Students who are currently in a poor Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status such as Academic & Financial Aid Warning or Academic & Financial Aid Probation will be further counseled by the Office of the Registrar upon receipt of an approved Petition for Incomplete Grade Form regarding the affect that an incomplete grade may have on the student’s academic progress.

Students should understand that because an incomplete grade is considered attempted, but not earned, it will negatively affect their Rate of Progress during the SAP evaluation period at the close of the semester/term.  (See Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.)  In addition, if a student does not receive a satisfactory grade by the deadline dictated by the course instructor, a poor or failing grade will also negatively affect their GPA, which may result in a change in their SAP status.

Grade Change / Appeal

A change of grade may be filed when the instructor has determined that a computational (misinformation, omission of work) or procedural (clerical) error occurred in the assignment of the original grade. A grade may not be changed as the result of reexamination of the student or the submission of additional work by the student after the close of the term. A grade assigned by an instructor may be questioned and clarified through consultation with the instructor of the course. If the disagreement is not resolved after meeting with the instructor, the student may make a formal appeal in writing submitted to the appropriate Program Director. If the Program Director is the course instructor, the appeal will go to the College Dean. Appeals must be received within 4 weeks after the end of the semester in which the class was taken. Grades shall not be changed without persuasive evidence that (1) the instructor evaluated the student’s work in a manner inconsistent with that used to evaluate the work of other students in the course; (2) the instructor was motivated by a bias that is contrary to the policy of the University; or (3) the instructor failed to implement a relevant disability accommodation for the student that had been approved by the Institute and of which the instructor had been informed in a timely matter.

If a grade is being disputed because of alleged discrimination or harassment, a student is not required to meet with the instructor. In these cases, the student should submit a grade appeal in writing to the Director for Student Success, and the dispute will be processed through that channel.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

Saybrook University’s SAP policy follows all federal and state regulations, and is designed to ensure the timely and successful completion of our degree programs. The following policy outlines the academic requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress, and details how SAP is measured. Please note that this policy is in addition to any progress or performance policies in place for your school or program.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is evaluated at the end of every semester. Please contact the Registrar’s Office with any questions concerning the requirements outlined in this policy. This policy applies to all coursework accepted and applied in transfer as well as attempted at Saybrook University.

SAP Components

Pace (Successful Completion Rate) Measurement, a SAP Quantitative Component:

Pace is measured as: Successfully Completed Credits/Attempted Credits. Pace is measured cumulatively, and students’ cumulative pace must not fall below 67%. Attempted credits include all Saybrook University course attempts recorded on the academic transcript, including repeated courses, withdrawals, and incompletes as well as transfer credits that apply toward the student’s current degree program. Repeated courses count negatively against successful completion rates.

Grades that count negatively against successful completion rates include I, W, WF, NC, WNC, PC and F. Master’s Projects/Theses, Doctoral Dissertations, Internships, Professional Seminars, and Professional Consultations are excluded from the pace calculation. Fractions are rounded to the nearest whole number.

Maximum Time Limit Requirement, a SAP Quantitative Component:

Students must complete their degree within a maximum time frame measured by attempted credits equal to 150 % of the number of credits required for their degree program. Credits accepted in transfer toward the program are included as attempted and earned credits in determining the maximum timeframe.

If at any point during the program, the institution determines that the student will not be able to successfully complete all program requirements at the conclusion of 150% of the normal length of a program as measured in credits, he or she will be dismissed from the University.

Cumulative Grade Point Average Measurement, a SAP Qualitative Component

Students must maintain a cumulative 3.0 quality point average to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress. Cumulative Grade Point Average includes all graduate-level coursework attempted at Saybrook University, excluding grades of P/NP, I, or W. Transfer credits are not included in the cumulative quality point average calculation. Only the latest grade is counted in the cumulative GPA when a course is repeated.

Culminating Phase Timeframe

Students in the culminating phase of their degrees are not evaluated using the pace requirements outlined above.  Rather, they must meet the following requirements:

Master’s Project: Students registering for the Master’s Project with degree required coursework outstanding must complete all degree requirements before the end of the third full semester after the Project is registered. Students registering for the Master’s Project with no outstanding degree requirements must complete their degree program before the end of the second full semester after the Project is registered

Master’s Thesis: Students registering for the Master’s Thesis with degree required coursework outstanding must complete all degree requirements before the end of the fourth full semester after the Thesis is registered. Students registering for the Master’s Thesis with no outstanding degree requirements must complete their degree program before the end of the third full semester after the Thesis is registered.

Doctoral Dissertation: Students registering for the Doctoral Dissertation with required degree coursework outstanding must complete all degree requirements within 10 consecutive semesters, inclusive of summer. Students registering for the Doctoral Dissertation with no outstanding degree requirements must complete their degree program within 9 consecutive semesters, inclusive of summer.

Students changing from a Thesis to a Project, or from a Project to a Thesis, are measured according to their new SAP requirement described above, less the period of time already registered for their previous culminating course.

Students in Project, Thesis, or Dissertation who have completed all degree required coursework become subject to the pace measurement if registering coursework beyond that which is required for the degree program, including Doctoral coursework registered during completion of the Master’s program as afforded by the Master to Doctoral track.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Review and Evaluation

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is reviewed at the end of every semester. Students are evaluated against all qualitative and quantitative standards at the conclusion of each semester. Students meeting all Satisfactory Academic Progress standards will be considered in Good Standing. After each evaluation, students who do not meet SAP standards will be notified in writing, and will be assigned the appropriate SAP status.

SAP Statuses include Academic and Financial Aid Warning, Academic and Financial Aid Probation and SAP Dismissal. Academic and Financial Aid Warning/Probation statuses provide an opportunity for students to improve academic performance and meet overall requirements for degree completion. Students placed in one of these statuses must meet with their Program Director to discuss course scheduling and build an Academic Recovery Plan.

Academic and Financial Aid Warning

Students in Good Standing who do not meet the minimum requirements for making Satisfactory Academic Progress at the time of evaluation are initially placed on Academic and Financial Aid Warning for the following semester.

Students are given one semester to meet all SAP requirements. Students in Academic and Financial Aid Warning status are required to meet with their Academic Advisor and/or Program Director to create an Academic Recovery Plan (ARP) to ensure their success in their academic program. An ARP is an individualized plan which identifies the progress each student must make to return to Good Academic Standing. Students may be required to re-take coursework previously completed in order to increase the likelihood of successfully meeting SAP requirements. These requirements may affect the student’s eligibility for financial aid funds.

Students who are otherwise eligible to receive Title IV financial aid are eligible to receive Title IV financial aid while on Academic and Financial Aid Warning. Students receiving an institutional scholarship must file a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal/Academic Recovery Plan and have it approved by the appropriate Program Director in order to retain their scholarship.

At the conclusion of the Academic and Financial Aid Warning period, students who meet all SAP requirements will be placed back in Good Standing. Students who do not meet all SAP requirements will be notified by the Registrar’s Office and are required to submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal/Academic Recovery Plan. Institutional scholarship students successfully following a multi-semester Satisfactory Progress Appeal/Academic Recovery Plan do not need to file a new appeal/plan.

Students who have been granted a SAP appeal following a period of Academic and Financial Aid Warning are placed on Academic and Financial Aid Probation for the following semester.  Students that do not file a SAP appeal, or who have their appeal denied, will be Academically Dismissed from Saybrook University.

Academic and Financial Aid Probation

Students in Academic and Financial Aid Warning who do not meet the minimum requirements for making Satisfactory Academic Progress at the time of evaluation, and have an approved SAP appeal, are placed on Academic and Financial Aid Probation for the following semester.

Students who are otherwise eligible to receive Title IV financial aid are eligible to receive Title IV financial aid while on Academic and Financial Aid Probation. Students may be required to re-take coursework previously completed in order to increase the likelihood of successfully meeting satisfactory academic progress and/or graduation requirements. These requirements may affect the student’s eligibility for financial aid funds. Students receiving an institutional scholarship will retain their scholarship while on Academic and Financial Aid Probation.

At the conclusion of the Academic and Financial Aid Probation period, students than meet all SAP and ARP requirements will be placed back in Good Standing. Students who do not meet all SAP and ARP requirements will be Academically Dismissed. Dismissed students are not eligible for course enrollment nor for financial aid.  Dismissed students may reapply for admission 365 days after the dismissal date.

Academic Dismissal Appeal

As part of the reapplication process following dismissal, an Academic Dismissal Appeal must be submitted to and approved by the appropriate Program Director.

The appeal must specifically include:

  • A reasonable explanation for the student’s academic performance to date, and any mitigating circumstances that are related to his/her performance;
  • Reasonable evidence that the student has the ability to be successful in his/her academic program due to changed circumstances, experience, and/or successful completion of credits during the period of absence; and
  • A plan for completion of the coursework required to meet SAP upon the student’s return.
  • The passage of time does not substantiate eligibility for readmission or appeal for readmission. Approved students will be readmitted in an Academic and Financial Aid Probation status.

Enrollment Status and Access to Saybrook Services

Access to Saybrook academic and administrative databases and services is limited to enrolled students. Non-enrollment, including during periods of medical leave or leave of absence, will result in suspension of database access and other enrollment-related services.

Note: Changes in enrollment status may result in loss of financial aid and in-school loan deferment eligibility. Please consult directly with your lenders and all other relevant agencies/entities to determine your obligations resulting from enrollment status changes.

Leaves of Absence

Saybrook requires all students to be continuously enrolled through the year. A Leave of Absence (LOA) is a temporary interruption in a student’s program of study caused by an extenuating circumstance.  LOAs are not required for institutionally scheduled breaks (such as holidays or time between semesters) but scheduled breaks may occur during LOAs. 

A LOA will not be granted after the Add/Drop deadline of an active term/semester.  A LOA together with any additional leaves of absence must not exceed a total of 180 days in any 12-month period.  Students are required to return to their program of study after their LOA ends.

Minimum Requirements for taking a Leave of Absence

To be eligible to apply for a LOA a student must:

  • Have a valid extenuating circumstance;
  • Not have any disciplinary or academic inquiries pending.
  • Have earned credit hours toward a degree requirement in at least two terms (CIMHS students)/one semester (CSS Students).
  • Not have exceeded the program limit for Leaves of Absence.  Students are allowed two (2) LOAs during enrollment in a Master’s level program and three (3) LOAs during enrollment in a doctoral level program

Requesting a Leave of Absence

To request a LOA students are required to:

  • Consult with their Program Director or College Dean and Director for Student Success regarding the impact of leave on rate of progress and program completion.
  • Complete the Leave of Absence Form in full in which they must;
    • Clearly state the reasons for the LOA.
    • Provide documentation that verifies reason(s) provided.
    • Specify the expected term/semester of return.
  • Consult with Financial Aid regarding the effects of taking a LOA on loan repayment terms and grace periods, if applicable.
  • Submit the LOA form and any applicable documentation to the Office of the Registrar before the Add/Drop deadline. A LOA request made to any other person or department other than the Office of the Registrar is not considered official or actionable.

Please note:  International students must consult with their Designated School Official  (DSO) prior to taking a Leave of Absence to discuss immigration implications of an LOA.

While on an Approved Leave of Absence

While on Leave students retain access to their Saybrook email and Saybrook library services.  Students are not allowed to use any other Saybrook resources or facilities until they return from Leave.  While on Leave students are still required to comply with the Student Code of Conduct.

Returning from an Approved Leave of Absence

Students returning from a LOA will return to the same place in their program of study, with the same enrollment status, number of credits, and academic standing as when they began their leave. Saybrook will not assess the student any additional institutional charges upon return from a LOA.

If a student does not return from the leave on or before the expected term/semester of return, then the student will be administratively withdrawn from the university. The withdrawal will be recorded with an effective date of the start of the Leave of Absence. Please see the Withdrawal Policy for more information. 

Military Leave of Absence


Saybrook offers a no-penalty leave of absence policy for Active Duty Service Members, Reservists, and Veterans. Students are eligible for the Military Leave of Absence policy if, during their leave, they performed or will perform voluntary or involuntary active duty service in the U.S. armed forces, including active duty for training and National Guard or Reserve service under federal authority, for a period of more than 30 but less than 180 consecutive days, and received a discharge other than dishonorable or bad conduct. Proof of activation or military orders dated within the time period of the request for leave will be required.  If the student’s service period will last longer than 180 days the student may withdraw and be readmitted under the Withdrawal Policy for Armed Service members.

Applying for a Military Leave of Absence

Students must give advance written or verbal notice of military service to their Dean and the Office of the Registrar, unless such notice is precluded by military necessity. 

Academic Progress

Students on Military Leaves of Absence are eligible to return in the next class or classes in the same program, with the same enrollment status, number of credits, and academic standing as when they began their leave. 

Withdrawal from University

Official (Student-Initiated) Withdrawal

Students who choose to withdraw must submit notice in writing to the Office of the Registrar.  The effective date of a voluntary withdraw will be the date the notice is received by the Office of the Registrar. Notice provided to any other office is not actionable and will not be processed unless submitted by the student to the office of the Registrar. For official withdrawals, a student’s withdrawal date is the date the student officially notified the institution or any earlier or later date that the institution documents as the last date of attendance by the student.

Please note that international students must discuss implications on their non-immigrant status with their Designated School Official (DSO) prior to withdrawal.

Unofficial (Administrative) Withdrawal

Students will be withdrawn when they fail to:

  1. Register and/or attend courses;
  2. Meet the requirement(s) for continuous enrollment;
  3. Make payment of all tuition and fees due;
  4. Resolve Billing or Financial Aid holds;
  5. Resolve Admissions holds;
  6. Meet minimum attendance requirements; or
  7. Fail to return from Leave of Absence by student’s indicated return date.

For unofficial withdrawals, a student’s withdrawal date is the last day of the last session/semester attended or any later date which the institution documents as the last date of attendance by the student.

Withdrawal - In Good Standing

Withdrawal in Good Standing is designed for students who have decided voluntarily not to continue their programs of study. It also indicates satisfactory clearance of academic and financial responsibilities on the part of the student prior to withdrawing.

Withdrawal - Not In Good Standing

  • Fiscal - Students who have incurred financial obligations to Saybrook and fail to satisfactorily meet these obligations will be administratively withdrawn.
  • Discipline - Students who are determined to be in violation of the Saybrook Student Code of
  • Conduct or of other policies may be withdrawn as a disciplinary sanction.

A student who is administratively withdrawn for academic reasons may apply for readmission after twelve months and only after all financial obligations have been met. An acceptable plan for remedying any academic deficiencies must be considered and approved by Saybrook to determine if any terms stated at the time of administrative withdrawal have been satisfied in full. Readmission is not a right, and the decision of the Admissions Committee is final.

Note: Consult with the Financial Aid Office in advance, if possible, about financial aid eligibility, repayment, and return of aid consequences of your withdrawal.

Withdrawals and Financial Aid

Important Notice
The Higher Education Amendments of 1998, Public Law 105-244 (the Amendments of 1998) substantially change the way funds paid toward a student’s education are handled when a recipient of Title IV funds, including Federal Stafford Loans, withdraws from school.

The requirements do not dictate an institutional refund policy. Instead a statutory schedule is used to determine the amount of Title IV funds, in this case, Federal Stafford Loans Subsidized and Unsubsidized, which a student has earned as of the date the student ceases to be in attendance. The amount earned is based on the amount of time the student spent in academic attendance.

Recipients of student loans who withdraw should contact the Financial Aid Office to complete an Exit Interview and should read the information below on Withdrawals and Financial Aid.

This change in the law makes clear that Title IV funds, including Federal Stafford Loans, are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV Federal Stafford Loan funds that the student was originally scheduled to receive.

Up through the 60% point in each payment period, a pro-rata schedule is used to determine the amount of Title IV aid (Federal Stafford Loan funds), the student has earned at the time of withdrawal. After the 60% point, the student has earned 100% of the federal Title IV funds.

If a recipient of funds withdraws from school after beginning attendance, the amount of Federal Stafford Loan funds earned by the student must be determined. If the amount disbursed to the student is greater than the amount the student “earned,” “unearned” funds have to be returned. If the amount disbursed to the student is less than the amount the student earned, the student is eligible to receive a post-withdrawal disbursement of the “unearned” aid that was not received. In the case of Federal Stafford Loans, this means, if a loan was certified and the student enrolled, but disbursement had not yet been made at the time of withdrawal, the student may still be eligible for a disbursement.

What does this mean?

When a student withdraws from Saybrook, the Financial Aid Office calculates the amount of Federal Stafford Loan funds, subsidized and unsubsidized that have been “earned” from enrollment until withdrawal. The “unearned” amount that has been used to pay tuition is refunded to the student’s lender by Saybrook to reduce the student’s outstanding loan balance. Saybrook will then notify the lender that the student is no longer enrolled as of the date of withdrawal.

Subsequently the student is required to pay any “unearned” amount he or she has received for indirect expenses, such as living expenses, books and materials, travel, etc, according to the terms of his/her loan agreement, that is, according to the usual terms of repayment and the normal repayment schedule. No unusual or one time refund of funds to the lender is required, as the student recipient of Federal Stafford Loans, as a result of withdrawal. The student, as the borrower, simply enters repayment as usual at the end of the six-month grace period.

Because the calculation of the tuition refund and the calculation of the amount of “earned” and “unearned” Federal Stafford Loan funds are no longer tied together by federal law as in the past, there may be a tuition balance owing as a result of withdrawal. Before you withdraw, please be sure you understand the potential financial consequences of withdrawal.

Student Grievance Resolution Procedure

Informal Problem-Solving Procedures

Saybrook University is committed to providing students with an educational experience of academic excellence and professional services. This is provided with the goal of maintaining a collaborative community based on mutual respect. As with all communities and relationships, problems and conflicts can and do arise. When students encounter problems or conflicts with faculty, or with the implementation of Saybrook policies, procedures or requirements, the following guidelines promote collaborative steps to address these issues. In all attempts to address student problems or conflicts, all participants are expected to:

  • Bring both good intentions and collaborative principles to the process, acknowledging that reasonable people can differ reasonably
  • Contribute to mutually respectful communications that can include divergent views without blame or hostility
  • Maintain an awareness of one’s own roles and responsibilities related to the issue and/or process and respect for the roles and responsibilities of others involved
  • Intend to achieve the earliest possible resolution of the problem or conflict and avoidance of the need to move the process to a higher level of institutional assistance or review
  • Work toward a resolution that considers the concerns, views, rights and responsibilities of all parties and is consistent with Saybrook’s stated requirements, policies and procedures

The first step in addressing most problems or conflicts is to discuss the issue collaboratively with the individual directly involved. If this step does not successfully resolve the issue or conflict, or if the nature of the issue precludes this step, the supervisor for the program, department or school can be contacted for assistance. In addressing problems with faculty not resolved in dialogue with the faculty member, the Program Director of Dean of the College can assist the student in determining additional appropriate steps. Resolution steps may include reviewing  records and consulting with relevant departments and/or offices on matters of policy and/or providing mediation assistance. If there is a problem, conflict, or difficulty resolving the problem at the level of supervisor for the program, area, school, or program, the student may contact the Director for Student Success. The Director for Student Success provides assistance to students in evaluating problems or conflicts that have not been resolved, clarifying related policies and procedures, and assessing the need for further steps in problem solving and/or collaborative conflict resolution.

Student Grievances Procedure

Grievances should originate as student problem-solving procedure attempts that were not resolved with finality. In the event that the Director for Student Success is unable to negotiate a resolution acceptable to all parties, a student may choose to initiate grievance procedures as outlined below.

Any student who feels that he or she has been subjected to an improper decision on an academic or an administrative matter is entitled to file a grievance. A grievance is defined as a written complaint concerning a decision made by a person or group of persons acting in an official School capacity that directly and adversely affects the student. A grievance does not properly challenge dissatisfaction with a school policy of general application on the grounds that the policy is unfair or inadvisable, nor should a grievance challenge individual department or program academic policies, as long as those policies are not in contravention of general school policies. Grievances that assert violations of the School’s Non- Discrimination policy and/or Policy on Sexual Misconduct, as set forth in this catalogue, shall follow the school’s procedures for such complaints as outlined in this catalogue and will be monitored by the Director for Student Success . Please contact the Director for Student Success if you have any questions about which process should be used.

To commence formal grievance procedures, a student should submit a written statement of his or her grievance to the Director for Student Success within 30 days of the conclusion of the informal problem-solving effort. The letter must include the following:

  • The student’s name, degree and department, and matriculation history;
  • The decisions by Saybrook and the events that give rise to the grievance;
  • The adverse impact on the student;
  • The policies of Saybrook, its agreements with the student, and/or any laws that have been violated and in what manner there has been material damage to the student;
  • The resolution or remedy that is requested;
  • The names of the decision-makers and other persons with knowledge of the matters at issue; and
  • What the student has done to attempt to resolve the complaint.

Student Grievance Review Committee

Upon receipt of the grievance, the Director for Student Success will review the documentation. The Director for Student Success shall consult with the student who has filed the grievance and the officer, agent or representative of Saybrook whose decision or actions are at issue, in an effort to identify if it is possible to resolve the grievance without a hearing. The Director for Student Success has the power to propose to the President a resolution of the grievance which, if adopted by the President, shall conclude the grievance unless the grieving student objects.

If the Director for Student Success believes that the matter at issue is properly deemed to be a grievance as defined by this policy, the Director for Student Success will convene a Grievance Committee.  The Grievance Committee will be convened and provide a resolution within 30 days of the filing of the grievance. The Director for Student Success will act as the Chair of the Grievance Committee. The grievant will be present when the Grievance Committee meets and may bring another member of the Saybrook community to the Committee.. The hearing shall be closed to any person who is not a party to the grievance or a person called by the Chair to give evidence. The Chair shall regulate the presence of persons and the calling of persons to give evidence. Questioning of witnesses shall proceed informally except that any party to the grievance may request the Chair to allow cross-questioning on important matters that do not intrude into personal privacy. Attorneys are not permitted at the hearings; however, a grieving student may otherwise choose to seek the advice of an attorney before or after the hearing.

The Chair shall thereafter convene the Grievance Committee for confidential assessment of the matter, and upon conclusion of the assessment meetings the Grievance Committee shall issue a determination report which must be approved by majority vote of the Grievance Committee.

Appealing Grievance Committee Resolution

In the unusual circumstances in which a student feels that the outcome of the grievance process reflects incomplete or unfair use of the information, or is inconsistent with relevant Saybrook requirements and/or policy, the student may request a review of the process and/or outcome by the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs for academic grievances and the Vice President of Enrollment Management for non-academic grievances. If a student decides to file an appeal, it must be filed with the appropriate Vice President within ten (10) business days of the determination by the Grievance Committee. The relevant Vice President will review all information and make one of the following determinations:

  1. Determine a different decision/outcome based on considerations of completeness, fairness and/or consistency


  1. Determine upon review that there is no sufficient basis regarding completeness, fairness and/or consistency with relevant Saybrook requirements and/or policy for additional action to address the issue and the outcome stands.

The relevant Vice President will, within 30 days, issue a final and binding decision.

External Complaint

A student is expected to follow the internal grievance procedures above, before complaining to an external agency. A student who utilized the internal procedure and who is not satisfied with the outcome may wish to raise the issue with the relevant state licensing agency under which the institution operates.

State* Agency Name & Contact Information
California California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling (888) 370-7589 or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the bureau’s internet Web site
Texas Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
For a description of the procedure for filing a complaint and required forms visit the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s website at then follow the link to College Readiness and Success then to Student Complaints.
Student complaints are governed by Title 19 of the Texas Administrative Code, Rules 1.110-1.120.
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Department of Education, College and Career Education
Utah Utah Department of Commerce
Washington Washington Student Achievement Council

 * The student is advised to find the state of residence. If the state of residence is not listed, the state in which the home campus is located should be selected.

An unresolved grievance may also be directed to the Western Association of Colleges and Schools, Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). WSCUC requires that a complainant attempt to resolve the underlying grievance with the institution prior to filing a complaint. The Commission’s complaint procedures are for the purpose of addressing significant non-compliance with the Standards of Accreditation and Commission policies. Thus, WSCUC will not interpose itself as an adjudicatory or grievance-resolving body in individual matters including admission, granting or transfer of academic credit, grades, fees, student financial aid, student discipline, or collective bargaining, faculty or staff appointments, promotion, tenure, contractual rights and obligations, and dismissals or similar matters.

The Commission’s staff will investigate a complaint in order to determine whether it appears that a Commission Standard or Policy was violated and, if such is the case, it will take appropriate action within the range of options that are available to it under Commission Standards and Policies. The complaint form and process can be found under “Directory” at Inquiries may be directed to: Western Association of Colleges and Schools, Senior College and University Commission, 985 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 100, Alameda, CA 94501, Phone: (510) 748-9001.

Student Research and Institutional Review Board Policies and Processes


Saybrook’s research requirements are designed to provide a sequence of research experiences aimed at developing essential core research competencies necessary for the successful completion of the dissertation. They will be developed through, and demonstrated in, reading, evaluating, and critiquing the research of others and developing, conducting, and reporting one’s own research.

Core Research Competency Domains

Students in all University master’s and doctoral degree programs with a research component are expected to acquire, at the appropriate level for the degree and area of study, the following competencies in conducting and evaluating research. There are 11 core areas of research competency, outlined below in terms of skills and abilities to be developed and demonstrated in conducting research, culminating in the dissertation. They are also applied to evaluate research reports, propose research, and conduct small scale research studies in the research courses, qualifying essays, and evaluating meritorious dissertations and essays for awards.

  1. Abstracting: Able to select and report the appropriate and essential information from published research as a succinct overview for the Abstract.
  2. Searching and scoping literature: Able to search, discern, and select appropriate content areas, information sources, and depth of scope in reporting the literature relevant to the research topic and research question.
  3. Reviewing literature: Able to organize and review critically, constructively, and professionally the literature presented in a manner that provides a clear background and basis for the purpose of the study.
  4. Posing a researchable question and formulating purpose: Able to articulate clearly the purpose and rationale of the study, and the idea, question, problem, or issue being addressed, taking into consideration relevant socio-cultural contexts and issues, contextualizing it in relation to humanistic psychology, the human science, and/or organizational systems perspectives.
  5. Selecting and formulating methodology: Able to identify, describe, and discuss the principal features of the methodological approach and specific research tradition being utilized, including epistemological and theoretical assumptions involved, and present the rationale for the selection of this approach to address the research question.
  6. Detailing research methods and procedures: Able to describe clearly and implement the methods and procedures relevant to the approach and research tradition being utilized including: selection of data sources (participants, existing textual materials, theoretical writings), data collection procedures (accessing, collecting, observing, recording data), data organization and analytic plan (process, design, meaning-making procedures for the data).
  7. Knowing research ethics: Able to identify and address ethical issues relevant to the study and implement ethical standards to address them when applicable.
  8. Analyzing and interpreting: Able to select, describe, conduct, and evaluate the appropriate analysis for the data and research question, and interpret the results clearly and succinctly regarding the subject domain and the human experience involved, in a manner consistent with the approach and standards of the tradition utilized.
  9. Critically evaluating and concluding: Able to present and discuss clearly and succinctly implications and conclusions regarding the results, taking into account socio-cultural, theoretical, and epistemological context and assumptions, alternative viewpoints, degree of generalizability, and strengths and weaknesses of the study, in a professional and scholarly manner.
  10. Reporting: Able to communicate the basis, understanding, and evaluation of the study in a cogent, succinct, well formulated, and systematic manner, at the expected graduate level of written exposition, and utilizing the professional standard of APA (or other approved) format for presentation.
  11. Contributing: Able to utilize original, critical, and creative thinking to develop and implement a study that makes a meaningful contribution to the field in the area addressed, and that reflects and/or contributes to the humanistic perspective and values and/or the human science tradition.

Human and Animal Subjects: Guidelines, Regulations, and Procedures for Research

Saybrook University complies with the standards and guidelines of the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services pertaining to research using human beings and animals. All students, faculty, staff, and administrators who conduct research must be familiar with the policies of the Saybrook Institutional Review Board as well as other relevant professional ethical guidelines, and state and federal laws related to research with human and animal participants.

Saybrook Institutional Review Board (IRB)

All research activities under the auspices and oversight of Saybrook University will go through the IRB process. This includes research related to coursework, practicums, master’s theses, dissertations, faculty and staff research and grant proposal applications. The review process the Saybrook IRB follows is mandated by federal law (Code of Federal Regulations Title - 45 - Public Welfare, Department of Health and Human Services Part 46 - Protection of Human Subjects). The IRB checks for sensitivity, procedures, and safeguards to protect the welfare of the human beings who will consent to participate in research projects. Furthermore, the IRB attempts to make its reviews of educational value to students and others conducting research. Until the IRB application is approved, there must not be any participant recruitment, data collection, or data analysis.

There are different IRB applications, depending on the kind of research being done, and they can be downloaded from the Saybrook website. Students are required to submit their IRB application electronically, and be familiar with the process and turn-around time depending on the type of study being conducted. Any Saybrook student who is believed to have neglected or violated these standards will be subject to immediate review under the Saybrook Code of Student Conduct.

Each student’s Chair or supervisor for a dissertation, class, practicum, or master’s project must review all IRB application materials before they are sent to the IRB for review.

The application must be approved by the IRB before students may begin recruiting participants or collecting any data. Conducting research with human participants prior to IRB clearance is considered a major ethical violation and could result in the loss of your data, review under the Code of Student Conduct, and possible dismissal from Saybrook. If in doubt, consult with your faculty member thesis/project/dissertation chair in advance, and the Director of the Saybrook IRB at (

Saybrook Seattle Campus Masters’ Degree Program Research Policies

No master’s-level Saybrook Seattle Campus culminating projects involve data collection or analysis, so they do not require IRB oversight. If a student does propose to conduct research, the IRB process and requirements must be followed.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment (20 USC S. 1232g), affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. For purposes of compliance with FERPA, Saybrook University considers all students independent. Questions about FERPA and student records may be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

Right to Inspect and Review

A student has the right to inspect and review the education record within forty-five (45) business days after the school receives a written request for access. A written request identifying the record to be inspected should be submitted by the student to the Office of the Registrar. The Campus Registrar or designee will make arrangements for access and notify the student of next steps for inspecting the record. If the Office of the Registrar does not retain the record requested, the student will be advised of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

Right to Request Amendments

A student has the right to request an amendment of an education record if the student believes the record is inaccurate or misleading. To request an amendment, the student must submit a formal letter to the Office of the Registrar, clearly identifying the part of the record to be changed, and specifying why the record is inaccurate or misleading. The office of the Registrar will review the request and facilitate a response to the student within 5 business days of the date written request is received.

Right to Request a Hearing

The University has the right to decide whether to amend a student’s education record as requested by the student. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the school will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. To request a hearing, the student completes and submits a Request to Amend Educational Record form to the Office of the Registrar. The Registrar will refer the request to the Administrative Director for Student Success, who will act as the hearing officer regarding all challenges to the accuracy of educational record and the denial of requested changes. The formal hearing will be conducted according to the following procedures:

  • The student will be permitted to present information and materials in support of the assertion that the record is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise erroneous.
  • A representative of Saybrook University will be permitted to present information and materials that support the school’s position.
  • Each party will be present during the hearing and may challenge information and materials of the other party.

The hearing officer will render a decision on the matter generally within five (5) business days after the conclusion of the hearing. FERPA does not provide a process to be used to question substantive judgments, which are correctly recorded. For example, the rights of challenge do not allow a student to contest a grade in a course because the student believes a higher grade should have been assigned.

Right to Consent to Disclosures

A student has the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the education record, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position; a person or company with whom the school has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, collection agent, or official of the U.S. Department of Education or other federal agency); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee or assisting another school official in performing tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill professional responsibility.

Saybrook University may disclose education records in certain other circumstances:

  • to comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena
  • to appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency
  • to officials of another school, upon request, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll
  • in connection with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid, as necessary to determine the eligibility, amount, or conditions of the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid
  • to certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the Comptroller General, to state and local educational authorities in connection with certain state or federally supported education programs
  • to accrediting organizations to carry out their functions
  • to organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of Saybrook
  • the results of an institutional disciplinary proceeding against the alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence may be released to the alleged victim of that crime with respect to that crime

Additionally, Saybrook University must, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of any crime of violence or sexual misconduct, the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the school against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense. If the alleged victim is deceased as a result of the crime or offense, the information shall be provided, upon written request, to the next of kin of the alleged victim.

Right to File a Complaint

A student has the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Saybrook University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC, 20202-5920.

Right to Restrict Directory Information

A student has the right to restrict the release of “directory information” except to school officials with legitimate educational interests and others as indicated above. To restrict the release of directory information, a student must make the request in writing to the Office of the Registrar. Once filed, this request becomes a permanent part of the student’s record until the student instructs Saybrook University, in writing, to remove the request.

Saybrook University designates the following as public or “directory information”:

  • Student name
  • Mailing address(es)
  • Email address(es)
  • Telephone number(s)

Major Field of study

  • Degree sought
  • Expected date of completion of degree requirements and graduation

Degrees and awards received

  • Dates of attendance
  • Full- or part-time enrollment status
  • Previous educational agency or institution attended
  • Participation in officially recognized activities


Student Services Personnel, Policies, and Processes

Saybrook University’s goals are to respond to student and institutional needs, to provide programs and services in support of our mission, to assist students in achieving academic success, and to enhance the overall learning environment.

Director for Student Success 

The Director for Student Success of the University addresses personal situations that may affect graduate work, specifically problems or complaints that need resolution, as well as ADA/504- related issues, and Title IX-related issues. Circumstances that may impair a student’s ability to continue with the program should be brought to the attention of the Director for Student Success as early as possible. Students requiring educational accommodation per ADA regulations must make this known to the ADA Coordinator by submitting the forms regarding ADA accommodation available as downloads on the University website (under Student Services). For the 2016-2017 academic year, the Director for Student Success and the ADA Coordinator of Saybrook University is Julia Sondej, MA.  who can be reached at 425-278-9313 or

Office of the Registrar

The mission of the Office of the Registrar is to maintain an accurate academic record for each student who enrolls at Saybrook, and to provide timely, accurate, and responsive services to students, faculty, staff, and the public. The Registrar oversees course management, registration, transcripts and degree certification and manages the retention, access, and control of academic records for present and past Saybrook students.

Academic Records Services to Students


Students and alumni may obtain official transcripts from the Office of the Registrar.  Saybrook University works with the National Student Clearinghouse for all transcript orders. Transcripts may be ordered online.

Transcript requests will not be processed if the student has an outstanding obligation (i.e. Financial Hold, Library Hold, etc.). Students must clear any outstanding obligations with the appropriate offices.


The transferability of credits you earn at Saybrook University is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the degree or certificate you earn is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the credits, degree, or certificate that you earn at this institution are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending Saybrook University to determine if your credits, degree, or certificate will transfer.

Saybrook University has not entered into transfer or articulation agreements with other colleges or universities that provide for the transfer of credits earned in a program of instruction. 

Enrollment Verification

Saybrook University is a participant in the National Student Clearinghouse, a central repository that maintains enrollment information for over 2800 US colleges and universities. Enrollment Verification through the Clearinghouse is designed to fulfill the verification requirements of agencies or companies offering products or services that require proof of a student’s enrollment status. Students, agencies, and companies should visit the National Student Clearinghouse website ( to obtain enrollment verification.

Access to Academic Records

Students may have access to their records at any time during business hours with reasonable notice. Saybrook complies with applicable federal laws with regard to student records access. In accordance with FERPA, Saybrook may utilize up to 45 calendar days to provide students with access to their educational records.

Website Services

The Saybrook University website ( provides academic program outlines, academic calendars and catalog, faculty profiles, current news and blog, and other academic and administrative information are available on the Saybrook website and are updated regularly. Saybrook students are required to have web access and an Internet Service provider.

Students, faculty and staff have access to My Saybrook , a private side of the website that specifically serves the community. A Saybrook user ID and password grants the user access to Saybrook email, online courses, the University’s library resources, contact information for Saybrook students, staff and faculty, enrollment services and academic records, registrar forms, and student services contacts. New students receive their pre-assigned network user IDs and passwords after they have deposited.

Access Codes and Passwords

  • Students are expected to make every reasonable effort to ensure the security of their access codes and passwords.
  • All information, academic material, and proprietary material on the Saybrook website and network are the property of Saybrook, or other contracted property rights holder.
  • When using email, the virtual classrooms, and similar forums, students and all users are expected to use standards of acceptable speech and dialogue which are required in the classroom and detailed in the Saybrook Code of Student Conduct.
  • All individual information - rosters, email address lists, and similar contact data is intended solely for use by members of the Saybrook community for academic and administrative matters related to the academic programs of Saybrook. No one is permitted to copy, and/or distribute these lists for any other purpose.
  • Unofficial web uses: There are numerous private websites hosted by Saybrook students or faculty. These are not official activities of Saybrook and the content therein is not official policy of Saybrook University.

Student Compliance with Vendor and Service Contracts

Saybrook maintains a large number of contracts and usage agreements with commercial and non- profit vendors who provide linkages, software, hardware, and service products utilized in the Saybrook network. Students are expected to abide by all contractual obligations of all vendors and service providers.

All services and products on the Saybrook website are intended solely for use by matriculated Saybrook students, Saybrook faculty, staff, and administrators. Providing access to unauthorized users through your codes, passwords, or accounts is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

Policy on Academic Honesty (Plagiarism) and Authorship

Plagiarism is incompatible with graduate study. Students are expected to be the sole authors of their written work, including coursework, projects, essays, theses, and dissertations. They are expected to be the sole creators of original concepts expressed in these written works, and to adequately cite the original concepts and writings of others. When students are co-authoring work, engaged in group work, or using editorial assistance in their work, the circumstances must be clearly identified and documented.

Plagiarism, which comes from the Latin word meaning “kidnapper” or “plunderer,” is a serious violation in research and all other academic work that can lead to failure in a course, academic suspension, or even expulsion from an institution. If the thoughts of others are used without citation, their work has been plundered by the user. Saybrook describes plagiarism as “a gross breach of the highest professional and ethical standards of conduct and of standards of intellectual honesty and academic scholarship.” Plagiarism is an act of betrayal of our field of study, of another researcher, and most importantly, of oneself. Presenting another’s thoughts as our own seriously limits our capacity to think in innovative ways, to create new ideas, to be a reliable thinker and researcher, and to participate in transformative learning, through which we can become more and more adept at self-expression, discovery, and the creation of new knowledge. If students co-author with another student, faculty member, or outside author, Saybrook adheres to the guidelines of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 5th Edition pertaining to the determination and listing of primary, secondary, and contributing authors, etc. Plagiarism is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may result in disciplinary action as outlined above.

Saybrook’s official source for appropriate citations and authoring conventions is the American Psychological Association Publication Manual, 6th Edition and is supplemented by Saybrook’s Handbook of Format and Style for Proposals, Dissertations, Theses, and Project (San Francisco, 2008). A downloadable copy of the Handbook of Format and Style is available on the Saybrook student gateway. Additionally Saybrook provides access to students and faculty to the Turnitin software which assists with appropriate citation methodology.

Library staff members are available to answer any questions about plagiarism.

Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation

Saybrook University welcomes diversity in its community and believes that a humanistic and transpersonal education is one in which the full glory of human beings is encountered and appreciated. Saybrook acknowledges its ethical and statutory responsibility to afford equal treatment and equal opportunity to all persons and thus affirms its policy of compliance with all applicable laws and directives that promulgate nondiscrimination and equality of opportunity through affirmative action. Saybrook prohibits discrimination and harassment against its employees, students and applicants based on does not discriminate based on age, ethnicity, sex, gender, gender identity, handicap, disability, genetic information, marital or parental status, national origin or ancestry, race, color, religion, creed, arrest record, military or veteran status, or sexual orientation or any other impermissible basis. This policy of non-discrimination applies to all aspects of admission, education, employment, financial aid, student activities, and other school-administered programs. Inquiries regarding compliance with this policy may be directed to the Provost and Vice President, Saybrook University, or to the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education, Washington, DC.

Saybrook prohibits behaviors that include but are not limited to any unwelcome, deliberate or repeated unsolicited verbal, physical, visual, or sexual contact, or solicitations of favors that are offensive, abusive, intimidating, hostile, denigrating, or demeaning.

Harassment can take many different forms. Examples of verbal harassment include derogatory comments, slurs, accusations, or stereotyping. Physical harassment examples include assault, impeding movement, or any physical interference with normal work, or movement directed at an individual, as well as visual forms including cartoons, drawings, graphic materials, or derogatory posters.

Reporting Complaints of Discrimination

Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, and/or Retaliation on the Basis of Sex, Sexual Orientation, or Gender Identity

A student who believes he/she has been subject to unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, should report complaints in accordance with Saybrook’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct, which covers sexual harassment and sexual violence. Acts of Sexual Misconduct are forms of sex discrimination.
For the full Policy on Sexual Misconduct as well as additional resources, please visit our Campus Safety & Security Webpage.

Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment and/or Retaliation on Other Bases

A student who believes he/she has been subject to unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation (other than those related to sex/gender as described immediately above), whether by faculty members, employees, legal training supervisors, visitors, or other students, should bring the issue to the immediate attention of the Director for Student Success. Although preparation of a written complaint is encouraged, it is not required. Complaints should include details of the incident or incidents, names of the individuals involved, names of any witnesses, and any documents supporting the complaint.

When the Director for Student Success receives a complaint of unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation, Saybrook will take prompt and appropriate action. If the complaint cannot be resolved informally (where appropriate), Saybrook will undertake an effective, thorough, and objective investigation of the discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation allegations. Complaints and investigations will be handled on a confidential basis, to the extent possible, with due regard for the rights of the Complainant and the Respondent. Information about the complaint and investigation will only be released on a need-to-know basis, or as otherwise required or permitted by law.
If Saybrook determines that unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation has occurred, effective remedial action will be taken in accordance with the circumstances of the incident. Appropriate action will also be taken to deter any future unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Individuals who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including removal from the institution.

Saybrook also bars retaliation against an employee, student, or applicant who files a good faith complaint of discrimination/harassment or otherwise participates in an investigation relating to the same.

Policy On Sexual Misconduct

*The text below is adapted from Saybrook’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct.  For the full Policy on Sexual Misconduct as well as additional resources, please visit our Campus Safety & Sexual Misconduct Webpage.

Saybrook is committed to creating and maintaining a safe learning and working environment that is free of unlawful discrimination, harassment, exploitation, or intimidation. As such, Saybrook prohibits sexual misconduct in all forms, including but not limited to sexual harassment and sexual violence. Saybrook will respond promptly and effectively to reports of sexual misconduct, and will take appropriate action to prevent, to correct, and when necessary, to discipline behavior in violation of its Policy on Sexual Misconduct.

The Policy on Sexual Misconduct applies to all Saybrook employees, students, and other Saybrook Community Members, regardless of gender/gender identity and sexual orientation, for sexual misconduct occurring on Saybrook’s campuses or in connection with its educational programs, activities, and services, or that puts Saybrook Community Members at risk of serious harm or otherwise creates a hostile learning and/or working environment.
Saybrook also bars retaliation against any employee, student, or applicant who files a good faith report of sexual misconduct or otherwise participates in an investigation relating to the same.

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

Making a Report to Law Enforcement

Saybrook encourages Community Members who have experienced sexual misconduct to immediately report the incident to the local police department or another area law enforcement agency.

Reporting of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking to the police does not commit the Complainant to further legal action. However, the earlier an incident is reported, the easier it will be for the police to investigate if the Complainant decides to proceed with criminal charges. Early reporting makes it more likely that the police will be able gather needed evidence before it is lost or destroyed, and that the Complainant will receive timely notice of potentially helpful victim/witness services.

Making a Report to Saybrook

Complainants are also encouraged to report incident(s) of sexual misconduct to Saybrook’s Title IX Coordinator, who is:

Julia Sondej
(425) 278-9313

Complainants are not required to report to area law enforcement to receive assistance from or pursue any options within Saybrook.
The Title IX Coordinator will provide a Complainant with information about available support services and resources, and also assist the Complainant in notifying law enforcement, including the local police, if the Complainant elects to do so.

If a Complainant discloses an incident to a Responsible Employee but wishes to maintain confidentiality or requests that no investigation into a particular incident be conducted or disciplinary action taken, Saybrook must weigh that request against Saybrook’s obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all students, including the Complainant.

Procedures When Sexual Misconduct is Reported to Saybrook

Upon receiving a report of sexual misconduct, Saybrook will respond by providing the Complainant with supportive resources and interim interventions (where appropriate) and conducting a prompt, fair, and impartial investigation by a trained official. The response and investigation procedures are designed to provide a supportive process for those who report sexual misconduct as well as fairness and due process for the individual being accused.

Saybrook recognizes that in certain circumstances, informal resolution of a report of sexual misconduct may be beneficial to the Complainant, the Respondent, other involved persons (the Reporting Party, Witnesses), and/or the Saybrook Community at large. Whether a report of sexual misconduct is appropriate for informal resolution is within the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator, except that reports of sexual assault are never appropriate for informal resolution.

When the Title IX Coordinator determines that informal resolution is not appropriate or formal resolution is requested by either the Complainant or Respondent, Saybrook will launch an investigation. Once the Title IX Coordinator determines that a formal investigation is appropriate, Saybrook will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation by an individual who has been trained to investigate reports of sexual misconduct. (This may be the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, or other designee approved by the President.)

Typically, investigation into reports of sexual misconduct will include a period of fact-finding led by the Title IX Coordinator, during which time the Complainant, Respondent, and other relevant persons will be given the opportunity to participate in the investigation by sharing information with the Title IX Coordinator. Persons participating in an investigation will have the opportunity to submit a written statement, provide supporting materials, and identify witnesses.

Saybrook investigates reports of sexual misconduct independently of local law enforcement. In investigating and determining whether a violation of this policy has occurred, the Title IX Coordinator will utilize the “preponderance of the evidence” standard of proof. This means that Title IX Coordinator will determine whether it is “more likely that not” that sexual misconduct occurred.
Both parties to a complaint of sexual misconduct will be updated as to the status of the investigation and related proceedings as necessary, or upon request.
Once the Title IX Coordinator has concluded the investigation, Saybrook will simultaneously issue the written findings to both the Complainant and the Respondent.

Sanctions for Violations of Saybrook’s Policy on Sexual Misconduct

Upon finding that sexual misconduct occurred, the Title IX Coordinator will commence the sanctioning process for review and determination of appropriate sanctions.
In addition to sanctions, the Title IX Coordinator may also recommend that Saybrook or particular Saybrook Community Members adopt additional measures to remediate and/or prevent further conduct in violation of this policy.
Saybrook’s sanctions process is intended to provide an equitable process to both the Complainant and Respondent, demonstrating promptness, fairness, and impartiality.

Sanctions against students may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Formal written warning;
  • No contact order pertaining to certain Saybrook Community Members or physical locations;
  • Removal from specific courses or institutional activities; and/or
  • Dismissal.

In addition, further protections for the Complainant may be available.
For the full Policy on Sexual Misconduct as well as additional resources, please visit our Campus Safety & Security Webpage.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

A qualified disabled student or applicant who requires an accommodation should complete the application for an accommodation, which is downloadable from the Saybrook University web site. This application, complete with a clinical record with information supporting the fact that the student has a disability, the functional limitations of such disability, and a set of accommodations suggested by the physician and those requested by the student, should be sent to the Director for Student Success , or designee. Such accommodations should be requested in a timely fashion, that is, well before the accommodation is needed. If the accommodation is reasonable, effective and will not alter a fundamental aspect of the educational program or otherwise impose an undue hardship on the institution, and/or there are no equivalent alternatives, the school will offer to make an accommodation. If appropriate, the Director for Student Success will consult with such individuals, within or outside the school, to provide him or her with expertise needed to evaluate the request. Students are required to provide all available and reasonably necessary documentation that is requested. Accommodation requests and the documentation related thereto will be maintained in a separate file controlled by the Director for Student Success.

For purposes of reasonable accommodation, a disabled student or applicant is a person who: (a) has a physical or mental impairment which limits one or more major life activities (such as walking, seeing, speaking, learning, or working); (b) has a record with the school of such impairment; or (c) is regarded by the school as having such an impairment, or who is otherwise defined by law as a qualified disabled student or applicant.    A qualified student with a disability is a student who meets the academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in Saybrook’s educational programs or activities.

Workplace Security and Anti-Violence Policy

The school is committed to providing a workplace that is free from acts of violence or threats of violence. In keeping with this commitment, the school has established a policy that provides “zero tolerance” for actual or threatened violence on our premises or in the course of school business. Security and safety in the workplace are every employee’s responsibility. It is therefore essential that every employee understand the importance of workplace safety and security. Every threat of violence is serious and must be treated as such. Threatening behavior can include such actions as throwing objects, making a verbal threat to harm another individual or destroy property, displaying an intense or obsessive romantic interest that exceeds the normal bounds of interpersonal interest, or attempting to intimidate or harass other individuals. Employees who become aware of any threats of workplace violence must report the threat immediately to their supervisor, who, in turn, will be responsible for notifying a Vice President or other officer of the school. Compliance with this anti-violence policy is a condition of employment and will be evaluated, together with other aspects of an employee’s performance. Due to the importance of this policy, employees who violate any of its terms, who engage in or contribute to violent behavior, or who threaten others with violence may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and possibly including immediate termination.

If an individual becomes aware of any actual violence, imminent violence, or threat of imminent violence, obtaining emergency assistance must be a matter of first priority. The individual should immediately contact Saybrook Human Resources, and, if appropriate, should contact San Francisco, Oakland, or Seattle Police Department authorities by dialing 911. (Individuals may report any incidents of violence or threats of violence without fear of reprisal.)

Campus Crime Reporting (Clery Act) In accordance with the Federal Student Right-To- Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, Public Law 101-542 amended into the Jeanne Clery Act of 1998, Saybrook University disseminates its annual security report, including campus crime statistics, each year on October 1. The Annual Security Report is published on the Campus Safety & Sexual Misconduct page on Saybrook’s main website:

Drug-Free Guidelines

Saybrook University has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by its students and employees on Saybrook premises or as part of any of its activities. In addition to compliance requirements of the Drug-Free Schools and Committees Act (as amended in 1989), Saybrook subscribes to a long and distinguished tradition of humanistic values. As such, Saybrook seeks to develop the ability of our students to apply to their own personal and social lives the principles and values contained in Saybrook’s mission statement.

The office of the Director for Student Success oversees student compliance with the Drug-Free guidelines. The Office of the President oversees employee compliance with the Drug-Free Policies and Procedures. For additional information, please consult the Administrative Director for Student Affairs or the Office of the President.

Substance Abuse Policy

Saybrook University promotes a safe, health, and productive educational and work environment for all individuals at the school. We comply with federal, state, and local laws governing the possession, use, and distribution of unlawful drugs at the work place. The sale, possession, distribution or use of illicit drugs on Saybrook premises or at its functions will not be tolerated.

  • The school complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (as amended in 1989) and prohibits the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by its students and employees on school premises or as part of any of its activities.
  • Furthermore, each and every member of the Saybrook community has the right and responsibility to pursue his or her academic endeavors in a safe, effective, drug-free environment.
  • Saybrook will impose discipline on faculty, students and staff members who violate the standards of conduct. Students who violate the provisions of the drug-free campus policy may be subject to suspension or expulsion. Violating California state statutes may also subject the individual to criminal prosecution.

Teach Out

In the event a decision is made to discontinue a program, Saybrook will make arrangements to allow students to finish their degree requirements, including the opportunity to transition to another program at Saybrook or to transfer to another institution. Students will be notified of the change with at least one semester’s notice. For students who elect to complete the program, after a review of students’ degree audits, arrangements will be made to teach the remaining courses needed by students. The arrangements for a teach out will be consistent with WASC standards. Saybrook will maintain its obligations to students, including: maintaining the experience, resources and support services to provide an educational program that is of comparable quality and reasonably similar in content, structure and scheduling to that being offered at the time of the decision.