Research Informatics I: Theory & Methods   [Archived Catalog]
2016-2017 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook

SLO 5225 - Research Informatics I: Theory & Methods

An essential skill for moving organizations towards meeting their goals is the ability to effectively analyze and take wise action based on financial, technological, and socio-cultural data/information. This course introduces students to the theory and methodologies behind research methods, statistics, and business informatics. The course focuses on the acquisition of research competence to search and circumscribe the subject domain for human inquiry; define the research focus; formulate researchable questions; know the relevant methodological traditions to select one suitable to the question; design and plan the research study; know the procedures proposed for data collection, analysis, and synthesis; know the ethical issues of proposed research; critique research; critically review literature and propose research. This focus includes defining and articulating information needs, identifying and selecting the appropriate resources, formatting and executing research strategies, and then critically interpreting and analyzing the result and presenting it in a professional (APA) style. 3 credit(s)