Systems Thinking: Theory & Application   [Archived Catalog]
2016-2017 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook

SLO 5222 - Systems Thinking: Theory & Application

This course introduces students to critical thinking (reflective analysis practice), systems theory, family systems theory, consulting theory, and organizational systems coaching. The systems thinking skills that are introduced are: developing a relational perspective (interconnectedness) including layered, nested and embedded systems views; cognitive agility with non-reductionist thinking approaches; performing contextual analyses; cognitive agility with nonlinear modeling relationships and feedback loops, stocks, and flows; prototyping and progressive approximation; emergent properties and strange attractors; and cognitive agility with self-organizing dynamics and structures. An outcome of this course will be the ability to exercise agile thinking - processing, integrating information that emerges out of complex dynamics and relationships. 3 credit(s)