Mysterium Coniunctionis   [Archived Catalog]
2016-2017 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook

JS 8819 - Mysterium Coniunctionis

Mysterium Coniunctionis, Volume 14 of the Collected Works of C.G. Jung, presents Jung's last great work, on which he was engaged for more than a decade, from 1941 to 1954. He finished it in his 80th year. As is to be expected from its culminating position in his writings and from its subject matter, the book gives a final account of his lengthy researches into alchemy. Jung's interest in the symbolical significance of alchemy for modern depth psychology, his interest in the coniunctio as it relates to the psychology of the transference, and the relation between alchemy and Christianity were concerns throughout his working life. All these themes are brought together in Mysterium Coniuntionis, where Jung continues his work of interpretation by examining in detail a number of texts taken from the alchemical classics. The scope of the book is indicated in its subtitle: "An Inquiry into the Separation and Synthesis of Psychic Opposites in Alchemy." This process, summed up in the trenchant formula solve et coagula - "dissolve and coagulate" - underlines the opus alchymicum and may be symbolically understood as the process of psychic integration. December 11 & 12, 2015 1 credit(s)