Dissertation Continuation (Clinical Psychology)   [Archived Catalog]
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Summer Addendum

RES 7104B - Dissertation Continuation (Clinical Psychology)

Students enter this course with an approved dissertation research proposal. In this course, the student obtains IRB approval, if they have not done so during their proposal course, before beginning data collection. If the approved study design includes a pilot study, that phase of the research is completed first. Data collection and analysis take place following the approved study design and ethical guidelines, and in consultation with the student's chair and dissertation committee. With all dissertation research data collected, the student completes analysis, the writing up of study results, and the dissertation, in consultation with their chair and committee. The course is concluded with an oral defense of their dissertation. Students must also have the full dissertation edited and prepared for publishing in ProQuest. The chair and committee will also work with the student to assess opportunities for future presentation, and/or publishing of the dissertation research.  0 credit(s)