Organizing for Community Health & Well-Being   [Archived Catalog]
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Summer Addendum

TSC 6515 - Organizing for Community Health & Well-Being

This course will provide an overview of concepts, practice and research related to community health presented within a social change framework. Community Health refers to non-clinical approaches for improving wellness, preventing disease and reducing health disparities through addressing social, behavioral, environmental, economic and medical determinants of health in a given population. In this course, students will use an interdisciplinary lens to example how social environment - including policies, politics, and power - can produce unhealthy circumstances such as poverty, pollution, dangerous working conditions, and modes of food production which critically impact collective health. Students will then examine case studies and conceptual frameworks of liberatory social movements to identify ways that everyday citizens utilize their power to advocate for transformative change at individual, institutional, and policy levels. Finally, students will explore how they might practically apply intersectional organizing strategies in their own professional roles to promote health and well-being within communities. 3 credit(s)