RES 3010 - Case Study ResearchCase study research investigates a phenomenon within its real-life context. Case study research uses multiple methods of data collection and analysis in order to explore a complex process. This course provides an in-depth understanding of case study and the practical skills necessary to design and conduct case study research. Students identify how the theoretical and philosophical foundations of case study align with their own philosophical orientations. Case study research is reviewed and critiqued. Students evaluate issues of research safety, ethics, and feasibility within their proposed research. Finally, students develop the methods section of a research prospectus. (Ph.D. program only) Prerequisite(s): RES 2300 Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis. In addition, all required foundational research courses (RES2xxx) as determined by student's program must be completed. For those admitted prior to Fall 2019 (CIMHS programs) Spring 2020 (CSS programs): MBM 5556 Qualitative Research Overview, RES 1105 Methods of Research (Clinical Psychology, Clinical Psychology Specialization Only) and RES 1110 Statistics, or RES 1005 Methods of Research and Disciplined Inquiry I and RES 1015 Methods of Research and Disciplined Inquiry II. 3 credit(s) |
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