Ethics and Sustainability   [Archived Catalog]
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Summer Addendum

MAL 6006 - Ethics and Sustainability

This course will provide both a conceptual overview of ethics as well as requiring students to consider the relationships between leadership, ethics and sustainability on a personal and professional level. Students will explore theories and models of ethics as well as ethical development. They will consider the role of leader in making ethical decisions in a complex global and interdependent context, and the challenges facing the Ethical Leader. This will be grounded in present context of considering the challenges of contemporary global issues including sustainability, using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a frame of reference. One credit of the course will occur through experiential education on a NOLS canyoneering course, which will take place in a fragile ecosystem, requiring daily decisions and actions related to ethics as sustainability by students. Students will complete a Leave No Trace master's educator course. Students will develop a personal or professional code of ethics to guide them in their future work and lives as a part of this course. 3 credit(s)