The Human Right to Adequate Food   [Archived Catalog]
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Summer Addendum

TSC 6585 - The Human Right to Adequate Food

Ending hunger is a deeply political issue, involving the play of power and conflicting interests. It must involve much more than the delivery of particular goods or services. It requires recognition and respect for human rights, and it may require some sort of reconfiguration of the social order, locally, nationally, and globally. Ending hunger requires serious planning, and agreement on a guiding vision. This course is designed to help participants figure out how to do that, in the contexts that interest us. This course is offered in a cooperative arrangement with the University of Sydney in Australia. The course utilizes the University of Sydney's Blackboard online learning platform. Saybrook students enrolled in the course participate in the course together with students from the University of Sydney Peace and Conflict Studies Program. Unlike other Saybrook courses, the term of this course is twelve weeks. Students register for the course as they usually do, and will receive course log-in information directly from the instructor. 3 credit(s)