RES 9010 - Qualifying Essay 1: Dissertation Critique (Managing Organizational Systems, Psychology, Transformative Social Change Only)The course engages the student in writing a critique of a completed dissertation with particular attention to its methodology. Successful completion of all three essays and the Candidacy oral exam is a requirement in order to qualify for admission to doctoral Candidacy. The focus of this essay is on the ability to understand and think critically about the research of others. By writing a critique of a dissertation students will demonstrate that: a) they have learned to read, understand, analyze, and constructively critique the research of a colleague; b) they understand the principles, methods, and utility of research; and c) they understand how researchers select a research question, select a research method, carry out a research study, analyze data collected, interpret observations, and draw conclusions. The dissertation to be critiqued must have been published within the past seven years, and no one on the Candidacy committee may have served on that dissertation committee. Students are encouraged to select a dissertation that uses the same method being considered for their own dissertation. This will be of help in that a critique of the methods chapter in an existing dissertation may contribute to a better understanding of how related principles and research tenets may be expressed. Students are required to consult with their Essay Supervisor to determine which two essays they will enroll in first. (Ph.D. program only) Prerequisite(s): All pre-Candidacy coursework completed, with the exception of RES 1100A /RES 1100B . 3 credit(s) |
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