Clinical Practicum I   [Archived Catalog]
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Summer Addendum

PSY 8145A - Clinical Practicum I

Students completing clinical practicum placement are enrolled in this course. The course is designed to provide students with a model for thinking about themselves as practitioners, their expectations and concerns, while also providing an arena in which to compare and contrast field placement experiences with other students. Practicum I focus on professional development important for beginning therapists. Students share from their practicum experience, drawing on their practicum journaling, individual and group exercises, and on-line discussions. Students develop case formulations to recognize issues in assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis, and review treatment models, interventions, and therapeutic outcomes. Authorization for Director of Clinical Training or Associate Director of Clinical Training is required to enroll in this course. Note: This course is open to CP students only. Prerequisite(s): Authorization from Director of Clinical Training or Associate Director of Clinical Training is required to enroll in this course. 3 credit(s)