Post Jungian & Post-Modern Perspectives on Analytical Psychology   [Archived Catalog]
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Spring Addendum

PSY 8804 - Post Jungian & Post-Modern Perspectives on Analytical Psychology

In this course students may elect to examine the scholarship of post Jungian scholars such as James Hillman, Edward Edinger, Maria Louise Von Franz, Andrew Samuels, John Beebe, Mara Sidoli, Sam Kimbles and Tom Singer among others. Students may also elect to study more primary source material from other volumes of the Collected Works and the Red Book. These volumes of the Collected Works may include Theory of Psychological Types, Psychology and Religion West and East, The Symbolic Life, Development of Personality, Spirit in Man Art and Literature or Civilization in Transition. Student interest should guide this election in consultation with faculty for the recommended scope of the reading. 3 credit(s)