Masters Thesis Continuation   [Archived Catalog]
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Spring Addendum

APH 4514C - Masters Thesis Continuation

The masters thesis continuation course enables students a chance to complete the process of their Masters Thesis. To complete APH 4514-C students must implement their research design, and complete a small but important research study. Producing a paper of sufficient quality to be submitted to a high-quality journal serves as a milestone indicating mastery of psychophysiological principles and research. Students do not begin this course until (a) they have been in APH 4514 for one semester, and (b) the IRB has approved the IRB submission. 0 credits. Offered Any Terms. Course Length: 16 weeks.

  Prerequisite(s): APH 4514 Master's Thesis   0 credit(s)