Comprehensive Exam   [Archived Catalog]
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Spring Addendum

CES 7085 - Comprehensive Exam

The Comprehensive Exam is completed in two parts:Written Comprehensive Exam: students may register for and take their comprehensive exam starting in the second semester of their second year of the program. It is at that point that most of the academic coursework is complete. The exam is project-based and includes the following: Students will create a community or agency-based project that includes a combination of their teaching, research, and advocacy philosophy. This project can be theoretical or could be part of their Internship coursework. Oral Comprehensive Exam: the student will submit their project to their dissertation committee for review. The committee will then schedule an oral exam. During the oral exam, the student will present their project, along with a description of their growth and development as a counselor educator. Part of this oral exam will be to explore the next steps of the project- which could include incorporating the work into Internship, or into dissertation research. 0 credit(s)