Advanced Research Methods   [Archived Catalog]
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Spring Addendum

RES xxxx - Advanced Research Methods

Students select an advanced research course from a series of available courses offered each semester to further their knowledge and skills in the selected area of research design and methodology. Sample courses include: RES 1030 - Experimental Research Methods  RES 1040 - Qualitative Research Methods  RES 1050 - Applied Program Evaluation  RES 1140 - Case Study Methods in Psychology  RES 1150 - Action Research  RES 1160 - Systems Research  RES 3130 - Descriptive Phenomenological Psychological Research  RES 4005 - Narrative and Auto/Biographical Research  - for specific course descriptions, see RES course listing in the Department of Humanistic and Clinical Psychology . 3 credit(s)