Group Processes and Group Therapy   [Archived Catalog]
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Spring Addendum

PSY 3056 - Group Processes and Group Therapy

This clinical course examines philosophies and models of group counseling and psychotherapy. The course has four fundamental goals. The first is a critical analysis of contemporary theories and models of group counseling and psychotherapy. The second is to be able to identify the theories and therapeutic group approaches that best fit the context and nature of the clinical requirements and are congruent with the personality and values of the student and clients. A third goal is developing sensitivity to the many ways in which one's values and beliefs impact one's choice of interventions. A fourth goal is to encourage reflection regarding how the insights of different approaches to may be applied in a group context within a humanistic framework.  Though open to all students, this course also satisfies the Clinical Interventions III/IV requirement in the Clinical Psychology degree program, with Clinical Interventions I & II as prerequisites. Check with the instructor or Program Director to learn more about residential component to course. 3 credit(s)