Issues in Sustainability   [Archived Catalog]
2023-2024 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Spring Addendum

ORG 7074 - Issues in Sustainability

Sustainability is a broad topic rooted in social justice, human rights, global equity, and ecological stability and flourishing. Thus, it has many dimensions and applies to many aspects of organizational operations and social functioning. This interdisciplinary course builds upon principles and issues explored in ORG 7045. It critically examines the present situation in the business, economic, social, political and environmental arenas with respect to the challenges they pose to the global ecosystem, business enterprises and their workplaces, societies and nation states, as well as the injustice they are creating and the consequences they have for our collective future. The course explores the intricate links among business operations, economic activity, social dynamics and the natural environment. Students will learn to describe ways in which organizations of all kinds can more effectively address these interactions. 3 credit(s)