CS 4540 - Creativity and Social ChangeTo address the many threats and challenges facing humanity, good intentions and familiar techniques will not be enough. New (or newly adapted) solutions are needed. Saybrook's existing fields of Creativity and Transformative Social Change make perfect partners for blending social conscience with innovative thinking. Fascinating and ingenious inventions are already solving some of the world's most pressing problems. Students will study readings from the fields of creativity and social change, explore an amazing assortment of newly devised solutions as well as some traditional ones that deserve a second look, make active experiments, and practice developing one viable solution of their choosing. In this course, Creativity students can practice operationalizing their ideas and Transformative Social Change students can develop their innovative sides. The course could also be of benefit to clinicians aware of the external pressures their clients face; activists tackling issues of ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender; and mediators looking to solve entrenched hostilities. Combining the expected scholarly readings with practical assignments, the course can serve as an incubator for students' ideas for making the world a better place. 3 credit(s) |
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