Reflective Leadership in Healthcare   [Archived Catalog]
2018-2019 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook with Spring Addendum

MBM 5521 - Reflective Leadership in Healthcare

This course is designed to help organizational leaders and coaches to apply mindfulness to enhance leadership reflectivity on an individual and collective basis.  Content will explore applications of reflective practices to enhance leadership effectiveness and instill innovation and compassion in collective settings.  Course readings and assignments assess diverse meditative and contemplative theory and practices drawn from Eastern and Western traditions as well as modern secular teachings to explore how mindful practice can convey to reflective leadership style.  In addition, discussions and papers examine how reorienting organizational dispositions toward reflective postures can serve as a foundation for transforming healthcare towards integrated, integrative, and patient-centered systems.  Its objectives include the student's cultivation of their own contemplative styles as well as developing strategies to introduce reflective practices to larger organizational settings.  Prerequisite(s): No Prerequisite. 3 credit(s)
Offered: FA-Term B Course Length: 8 Weeks No RC Required