CSIH 4105 - Basic Training and Education in General BiofeedbackThis course provides students with a basic skill set to conduct simple biofeedback interventions, along with knowledge about biofeedback concepts and approaches, and a familiarity with research-based applications of biofeedback to common medical and behavioral disorders. This course provides students with an introductory level of understanding helpful for engaging in biofeedback-based clinical practice and psychophysiological research in integrative health. This course introduces the most commonly used biofeedback instruments, the physiological systems they measure, and the applications of these biofeedback modalities to common medical and behavioral disorders. The Saybrook biofeedback training sequence covers the "Blueprint of Knowledge" adopted by the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America, to guide training of biofeedback professionals (BCIA, 2006). The basic course covers the following elements of the blueprint: Orientation to Biofeedback (4 hours), Stress Coping and Illness/Models for Biofeedback Practice (4 hours), Psychophysiological Recording, Part I (4 hours), surface EMG Applications, Part I (4 hours), Adjunctive Interventions, Part I (4 hours), and Autonomic Nervous System Applications, Part I (4 hours). In addition, the course will overview current scientific approaches to research on biofeedback, and will discuss several approaches for utilizing biofeedback in psychotherapy, in optimal performance training in sports and the arts, and in personal transformation. 3 credit(s) |
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